Ethics, Thursday, October 20, 2016

Oct 20, 2016 13:15

Today Anakin stood alone in front of the class. His expression told them Not to Ask about it. He didn't think that would be enough to stop Ahsoka, though.

"This weekend is Homecoming," Anakin said. "A chance for old alumni--" including more relatives than Anakin could shake a lightsaber at, "--to return and see how much their lives have changed from when they were students. Several Earth-based religions also use the autumn as a time to take stock of their lives and celebrate a new start."

Obi-Wan's absence in class was weighing more heavily on Anakin than he would admit to. Anakin had been doing some serious stock-taking since Parents Weekend. "So today, think back on the last year you've had--your mistakes--and tell the class something you'd like to become better at doing over the next year. As for me, I will work on becoming more open in my communications."

Yeaaaaaaaaaah. Good luck with that, Anakin.


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