Music Appreciation, Monday, Period 1

May 30, 2016 02:00

Today, at the front of the classroom, Jono and Hannibal's students would be met with a television set, not a stereo system, and their two teachers standing not far from it.

At least TVs were lighter these days.

//So, you might've noticed the weekend was a little off,// Jono noted from his usual spot leaning back against the desk. //We were going to put together a lesson on sequential music telling a story, from opera to concept albums, but, er...//

They'd spent their entire weekend celebrating the fact that there were no children in the house. They did about as much lesson planning as one might expect.

"Our twenty-year-older selves had other priorities," Hannibal finished smoothly. "So instead, we have an example of sequential music telling a story."

//Those of you who mentioned an interest in musical theatre might be familiar with meta for Cabaret,// Jono said, holding up a DVD case for all to see. //In fact, we touched on it briefly last week in our discussions. We figured it would be an excellent example of musical storytelling.//

And they hadn't been able to find meta for Chicago on such short notice.

"Any of you that have objections to sexual subjects -"

//For any reason starting with 'age,' moving into 'general discomfort,' and ending at 'American prudishness,'// Jono helpfully supplied.

"- may feel free to leave at any time," Hannibal finished with an amused look at him. "Also, there is a good deal of treatment of racism, fascism, and other subjects that you may find objectionable. I hope we may discuss them after. Should you feel the need to leave, it will in no way affect your grade."

So, at least there was that. Jono waited for a moment, in case anybody wanted to take off to actually make use of that long weekend that most of the rest of America had, and then he lifted the remote and hit 'play.'


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