Oh the Humanity!: Friendship is International Adventure, Thursday, period 1

Apr 14, 2016 00:45

"Ya ain't gonna talk in French the whole class again, are ya?" Eliot asked Pinkie as the students started to gather.

"Nope!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "I figure that joke's been played out, now."

"And you're not wearin' any silly outfits," Eliot noted.

"No. Why, do you think I should be?"

"No," Eliot growled. "You usually do somethin' weird for the class theme."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Pinkie said with great dignity. "The only thing I'm doing special today is bringing Gummy along for the ride."

Eliot didn't want to know. He didn't. He didn't. ". . . Gummy?"

"My pet baby alligator!" Pinkie flipped her mane and a tiny alligator with enormous purple eyes sprang out of it, its little toothless jaws clamped onto her forelock.

Eliot stared into Gummy's eyes.

The abyss stared back.

"Right," Eliot said, straightening uncomfortably and turning to face the students. "We're goin' to New Orleans today. It's pretty much my favorite city in the United States, so try not to embarrass me."

Pinkie blinked up at him innocently. The alligator blinked up at him vacantly. Eliot stared, then shuddered and shoved both of them through the portal.


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