"Is everypony excited? I'M SO EXCITED! Today we're actually going to a place in my world I'VE NEVER BEEN BEFORE! I've met plenty of griffons over the years in the rest of Equestria, but Griffonstone is way way way out past the edges of Equestria proper. Almost nopony ever goes there. Why, it's almost as distant and remote as Yakyakistan! Which nopony even knows where is!" Pinkie clapped a
fluffy fur cap on her head and beamed at the students as the portal opened behind her. "Be sure to bundle up nice and warm! The mountainy area where Griffonstone is nestled can get super duper cold! But it's sure to be worth shivers to see the capitol of one of the most majestic kingdoms in all the land!"
Pinkie trotted through the portal and past the
golden, winged gate that arched over the path on the other side. She waved the class after her, practically -- literally -- vibrating with excitement. "C'mon! It should be just over this . . . rise. . . ."
The village on the other side of the rise was
not as advertised.
"This is --" Pinkie spun in place. "This can't be right! Where's the palace? Twilight's research says that the palace has the Idol of -- Somethingornother -- which unites the griffons with pride! Who's the king?"
"Pinkie Pie?" A
griffon stalked up, glaring. "What are you doing here? Who are -- what are your --" she sneered, "-- friends?"
"Omigosh, Gilda!" Pinkie waved. "These are my students from Fandom High! We're doing a cultural exchange class so they can learn about the lives of ponies and griffons and other creatures here in Equestria --"
"-- We're not in Equestria --"
"-- and learn more about the important power of friendship!"
"Great. So now you ponies and -- weird, disfigured, mutant ponies -- can come up here and gawk at us and judge us." Gilda rolled her eyes, then held out a claw. "Alright, I'll give you the grand tour. For enough bits."
"Okidokilok!" Pinkie pulled a pouch out of . . . somewhere . . . and poured a few gold coins into Gilda's claw. Gilda sighed. And wiggled her talons to indicate she needed more. Pinkie poured on a few more coins, then even more when Gilda wiggled her talons again, then more and more until the bag was empty and a golden pile sat on Gilda's claw. "That's all I've got."
"I guess that'll do." Gilda huffed and waved around her. "Come on, then. Let's get this over with."