The class met outside by the pond, as handwavily ordered. The flamingos were wandering around Ghanima's improvised classroom, which had plenty of overstuffed pillows for laying about. Along the edges were small low tables, each with two cushions to sit on and various items placed upon them.
Once the bell rang, Ghanima looked up from where she was sprawled on the floor playing with some cards and smiled. "Destiny," she began with preamble, dropping the cards and pushing to her feet. "Refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a
predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed
natural order to the
"Destiny may be seen either as a fixed sequence of events that is inevitable and unchangeable, or that individuals choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their life." Ghanima paused to smile at them briefly. "Confusing, isn't it?"
"Many Greek legends and tales teach the futility of trying to outmaneuver an inexorable fate that has been correctly predicted. This form of irony is important in
Greek tragedy, as it is in
Oedipus Rex or
Thornton Wilder's The Bridge of San Luis Rey, where in spite of all the character's attempts otherwise, it does not preclude a horrible fate," she said, wandering the room to pass out
a handout on Oedipus.
"Some believe that one's destiny may be ascertained by
divination. In the belief systems of many cultures, one's destiny can only be learned about through a
saint or
seer. In the
Shang dynasty in
turtle bones were thrown ages before the
I Ching was codified. Arrows were tossed to read destiny, from
Thrace to pagan
Mecca. In
Yoruba traditional
religion, the
Ifá oracle is consulted via a string of sixteen cowries or
oil-palm nuts whose pattern when thrown on to a wooden tray represents the 256 possible combinations whose named "chapters" are recited and verses interpreted for the client by the
babalawo." Ghanima grinned and waved her hand in the international 'blah blah blah' manner. "Every society has their own way of foretelling a future, from worm entrails to crystal balls. My empire put its fate in the hands of a family that can walk the veils of time, forward and back, to see what lies beyond, and now they're stuck with the future that the Mahdi chose. Oracles can be a tricky bunch, and you must always assume that they may have a hidden agenda of their own."
"Today, it's time for you to face your destiny." Ghanima gestured to the tables ringing the room. "Pair up, wander around, and pick a method of divination that speaks to you. Read your own destiny, or that of your partner, and then discuss if you agree or disagree with the results you obtained."