Fandom High Welcome Picnic, Front Lawn of the School, All Day: Part I

Aug 28, 2010 03:12

It might have been the start of the fall semester, but it was definitely still summer in Fandom. The sun was shining and the temperature was already starting to get high, even as the NPC crew set things up for the day ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Comments 912

Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 07:16:05 UTC
Come and meet your new fake siblings! Let the brain breaking commence!


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2010] faithandscience August 28 2010, 07:33:52 UTC
William placed his nametag on his suit jacket, and then began looking around for a 'Chuck'.


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2010] knowsnokungfu August 28 2010, 09:20:50 UTC
Helpfully, a Chuck was busy looking for him, peering at nametags. He was looking for a guy, he assumed from the William, so skipped the awkwardness of accidentally staring at any girl's chests before he found the one he was trying to find.

"Oh, hey just the guy I was looking for! ... I think. I'm Chuck. William Murdoch?" He had just babbled at the right William, right? Hopefully.


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2010] faithandscience August 28 2010, 09:32:57 UTC
"That's me," he acknowledged, tipping his hat in greeting. "How do you do?"


Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 07:16:24 UTC
The list of roommate assignments was located in a prime spot on one of the tables. Current students who had been assigned new rooms and/or roommates had been handwavily informed of the change.


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2010] pastmewrong August 28 2010, 09:13:16 UTC
Last thing Effy was expecting at this point was new roommate assignment. It'd been a while, and she figured they'd forgotten she had a room to herself.

Apparently not.

There was no way she was using a nametag, but she was keeping an eye out for this Peter guy from a spot leaning idly against one of those picnic tables. People watching with a purpose.


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2010] theotherpeter August 28 2010, 15:51:54 UTC
"I have no idea why the school insists on me rooming with a girl," Peter said. He at least knew of Effy enough to recognize her. And at least this time, it wasn't a girl that seemed to know twenty different ways to kill him if he stepped out of line. "Hi."


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2010] pastmewrong August 28 2010, 16:56:06 UTC
"Must think you need practice." Ignore the way they'd roomed Effy with a boy twice now, too. One rule for her, one for everyone else.

"Do you?"


Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 07:16:55 UTC
Come and meet your new teaching buddies! Try to pick the biggest troublemakers out of the new kids! Start the drinking early!


Re: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2010] on_her_korhal August 28 2010, 09:31:49 UTC
A good scotch would have helped Kerrigan, back in the day. Now, she had liquid curiosity to go on, tilting her head up and keeping an eye on the students as they passed her by.

She looked remarkably at ease.


Re: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2010] just_add_starch August 28 2010, 11:32:10 UTC
Fraser had lost count of how many of these he'd attended but that wasn't ever going to stop him from coming. He was out there now, in full uniform, looking refreshed from his trip and pleased with the new arrivals.


Re: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2010] solo_sword August 28 2010, 18:52:12 UTC
"So I hear you're my teaching buddy," Jaina said. Yeah, it was the guy who wouldn't let her keep her lightsaber in the dorms once upon a time.


Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 12:26:57 UTC
Next to all of the informational tables was another table, filled with friendly faces. At least, one could assume that they were friendly, since this was the table for the reserves and their reservey business.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 12:32:35 UTC
Zack looked pretty darn pleased with himself as he walked over to the table this morning, a tray of... something that was lumpy and gray in his hands.

They were, presumably, cookies. Ones that he and Karla had handwavily baked for just such an occasion! You could tell that they put so much love and care into them just for the picnic, because they were more or less round. Some of them.

He was totally setting that tray on the table with a grin on his face.



Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 12:40:46 UTC
Aaaaaand now Tara spotted the plate of cookies.

"Hi, Zack," she said slowly, not wanting to insult him in the face of his obvious pride, "Um ... those look amazing. Did anybody else sign up to bake cookies?"

Not that she knew who else, since Francine was gone, Kennedy wasn't exactly the baking type, and Jak was gone and not the baking type. Maybe Raven had thought of it.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 12:43:18 UTC
"Not that I know of," Zack replied, smiling and shrugging his shoulders. "But Karla and I baked plenty for everybody, I think!"

... If worse came to worse, there were several lovely businesses in town that would probably donate to the cause if anyone showed them one of these things and then explained that they had been intended for human consumption.

"Would you like one?"


OOC bigdamndean August 28 2010, 12:28:36 UTC
*does the welcome picnic boogie* I have notifications turned off, so if you need something right away, ping me on AIM at fireballofkatie!


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