Fandom High Welcome Picnic, Front Lawn of the School, All Day: Part I

Aug 28, 2010 03:12

It might have been the start of the fall semester, but it was definitely still summer in Fandom. The sun was shining and the temperature was already starting to get high, even as the NPC crew set things up for the day ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 12:26:57 UTC
Next to all of the informational tables was another table, filled with friendly faces. At least, one could assume that they were friendly, since this was the table for the reserves and their reservey business.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 12:32:35 UTC
Zack looked pretty darn pleased with himself as he walked over to the table this morning, a tray of... something that was lumpy and gray in his hands.

They were, presumably, cookies. Ones that he and Karla had handwavily baked for just such an occasion! You could tell that they put so much love and care into them just for the picnic, because they were more or less round. Some of them.

He was totally setting that tray on the table with a grin on his face.



Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 12:40:46 UTC
Aaaaaand now Tara spotted the plate of cookies.

"Hi, Zack," she said slowly, not wanting to insult him in the face of his obvious pride, "Um ... those look amazing. Did anybody else sign up to bake cookies?"

Not that she knew who else, since Francine was gone, Kennedy wasn't exactly the baking type, and Jak was gone and not the baking type. Maybe Raven had thought of it.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 12:43:18 UTC
"Not that I know of," Zack replied, smiling and shrugging his shoulders. "But Karla and I baked plenty for everybody, I think!"

... If worse came to worse, there were several lovely businesses in town that would probably donate to the cause if anyone showed them one of these things and then explained that they had been intended for human consumption.

"Would you like one?"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 12:48:02 UTC
Oh, god. What was she supposed to say to that? And why on earth had she trusted Zack and Karla with the food?

Temporary insanity. That was all she had. Temporary insanity and a general fear of arguing.

"Not right now," she said slowly. "I d-didn't realize you guys meant you were going to bake the cookies..."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 12:53:32 UTC
"We were feeling really ambitious!"

Let this be a lesson to you all. Only tears and pain can come from ambitiousness. Only tears and pain.

"Oh well, that means more for everyone else, right?"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 12:56:44 UTC
"Yeah," Tara said, eying the cookies again. "I h-haven't seen a lot of recipes for gray cookies. That's ... creative of you."

And hopefully a warning to everyone else.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 13:01:54 UTC
Zack was now actually taking a moment to look over the cookie platter thoughtfully.

"I think that might be from the blueberries," he shared. That didn't sound so bad, right? "Or maybe the instant oatmeal stuff we used. We couldn't find any of the regular kind, but we figured oatmeal is oatmeal, right?"

That was a little more iffy...

"Or it could be the fish paste!"

Stop talking, Zack.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 13:31:50 UTC
"... why did you put fish paste in cookies?" Tara said. She couldn't quite keep the edge of 'are you out of your mind?' out of her voice, though she was trying to hard.

She tried to fix it. "I like blueberries!"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 13:35:31 UTC
"Well, they were looking kind of powdery, and we needed something to hold them together after the flowers went in..."

Because flowers had sounded so much more exciting than the all-purpose flour had looked, naturally.

"And so it was either fish paste or toothpaste, but the fish paste won, because we figured that it was made to be eaten anyhow."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 13:42:08 UTC
"Uh-huh." Tara bit her lip. Why wasn't Kennedy here yet? Kennedy was so much better at stuff like this. If he was here, she would ...

Buy her way out of this.

"Zack." Tara said, reaching for her wallet. "Can you run to town for a second? It might be nice to have some d-different types of cookies, just in case anybody's allergic to fish."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 13:45:41 UTC
Zack looked thoroughly confused for a moment, and then his eyes went wide.

"Oh, man! I didn't even think about allergies! Hey, no, put your money away, I've got it! I won't be gone too long, okay? Tell people that there are more cookies coming if anybody stops by?"

Maybe they should have used the toothpaste, after all.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] life_inshadow August 28 2010, 13:53:23 UTC
"Sure thing," Tara promised. "It's okay, I wouldn't have thought about it except I can't eat shrimp, so..."

She waved Zack on. "Thanks for taking care of it."

By the time he made it back, she might have discreetly removed the grayest of the cookies to a trash can across the lawn, and arranged the better-looking ones on a far edge of the tray, so people would have to really think about it before taking one.

If Zack asked, she'd say something about a sudden rush and change the subject.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 14:45:01 UTC
Maladicta was very glad to not eat... cookies.

She looked them over, tilting the umbrella back just enough to give Zack a look. "Are you trying to poison the students?"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 14:52:29 UTC
Oh, Maladicta had totally just earned the world record for fastest puppyface ever earned from a Zack.

"What?" See? See those sad, sad eyes? "I hope not... It was supposed to just be a nice gesture."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 14:53:53 UTC
Looking the cookies over more closely, Maladicta very carefully concealed the horror. "How much for all of them?"

...somewhere... a blond prince was wondering the same.


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