"Good day, friends! Once again, I am She-Ra, your substitute teacher," She-Ra greeted the class in her full uniform - from golden hairband to white mini to gold stiletto boots. "While some of you may have noticed the many Harpys that appeared on the island, I promise you are all quite safe here in the school. Should you go out of doors, however, be aware of the danger and move quickly to avoid the dastardly creatures." With that public service announcement out of the way, She-Ra could get to the real class topic. And after class, she could go and send Hunga's troops back to Etheria where they belonged. Ahem.
"Now, Captain Hammer requested I speak to you all on the necessity of selecting the proper weapon in a given fight." Obviously he'd heard about her magical sword, which she drew from its sheath, allowing the stone in the center to sparkle in the light. "The Sword of Protection is no mere sword with the sole purpose of hacking and chopping at an opponent. How is it different? Allow me to demonstrate." Because seeing was believing, after all.
"Sword to lasso!" She-Ra shouted, holding her sword high, and in a flash of golden light her sword formed into a lasso. "The lasso is the perfect weapon for catching an opponent who is fleeing the scene." She-Ra swung the lasso across the room to grab the podium and pull it to her. A moment later, the lasso was coiling into a sword shape as she shouted, "Lasso to sword!"
"As you have seen, the magic of Castle Grayskull allows this sword to transform into any object I request, from a shield to a grappling hook. Now, not all weapons are as gifted as my sword and then you must be particular about what you carry based on what you are fighting. Let's consider the Harpys. Find a partner and ask yourselves: What weapons will protect you from them? What weapons would you use to neutralize a Harpy? How would you combat them? From a group or on your own? Now students, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not encouraging any of you to battle the Harpys today, let us simply discuss tactics and weaponry that would improve the likelihood of a victory over these evil beasts and a means to send them back to Hunga."
And if it helped the ones who would not be dissuaded from the fight, all the better.