When students entered the classroom, they would notice that it was set up like an absolutely average classroom, with the exception that there was a table at the front bearing some... rather childlike art materials. Crayons, construction paper, safety scissors - yes, the tiny ones. Captain Hammer might have skewed his class a little young. And, inexplicably, there were safety pins.
And there was also a large man with a yellow hammer logo on his chest standing at the front, his hands on his hips.
One might even think he was posing.
"Hello!" he bellowed as soon as everyone was in and had taken their seats. "And welcome... to Heroing! I'm Captain Hammer. For... some reason I haven't really figured out, you may not have heard of me before today. Well," he laughed indulgently, "there's no one more qualified to teach this class than me. Not a person. I've kept Los Angeles safer than it's been in years. Years!"
There was that pesky Dr. Horrible, of course. And Bad Horse. If only he could put the Thoroughbred of Sin in a bridle. Someday!
"Anyway!" he said, after clearly drifting off into a mental tangent, "this class will teach you how to aspire to become as awesome and heroic as me. Now, don't worry if you aren't. I didn't mean to set such an impossible standard."
"For today, though," he continued, picking up a pair of safety scissors with one huge, gloved hand and examining them, "I want to hear who you are!" Not that he'd remember their names. "Your hero name. You can tell me your 'secret identity,'" and yes, he did air-quotes, "if you want. But make up a hero name if you don't have one, tell me what you're hoping to learn. I mean, aside from everything about the field. And then, we're going to do a little art project! Make a little recognizable symbol that you can pin to the front of your shirt. Like mine." He tapped the hammer on his chest.
He pointed at a random student. "You! Start."