Advanced Mad Science, September 11th

Sep 10, 2007 21:17

The danger shop was set up quite differently today. Instead of the usual spooky lab, it was set up to look like a smokey warehouse filled with platforms and ramps and holey walls all over the place. Prof Tomoe beckoned the students over to a room on the side, where a desk had been set up in front of a curtained off area.

"Good afternoon, students," he said. "Now that we're familiar with each other, we're going to start introducing some of the tools that any good mad scientist should be familiar with. Today, we're going to be introducing the old standby: lasers."

He moved over to the side of the room to fiddle with a drawstring connected to a large theatre type curtain. "As you're doubtlessly well aware, a laser is a beam of light which has been amplified and concentrated to produce a narrow but intense beam. They're used for all sorts of purposes, from removing unwanted hair to 'tripy' light shows set to the music of Pink Floyd."

He grinned. "Far more interesting are death lasers, which you can attach to nefarious death machines." He pulled the cord, and the curtain whooshed back to reveal to a large metal laser canon pointed at two mannequins strapped down to tilted operating tables. One was wearing a messy blonde wig and the other a green wig, as though the Professor was trying to work out some hostilities. "Death lasers will not only cut through any material known to humankind, and will fire a off blasts at anyone who dares to break into your lab.

"You can try to shoot the dummies, but be warned that the canon cannot be pointed at anything but the tables. I don't trust you with real death lasers."

He pulled a large box marked NERF out from behind his desk. "So instead, we're going to play laser tag. Grab some equipment, and run around the laser tag area. Try to see how many of your fellow classmates you can hit before the period runs out." He let out an evil laugh for good measure.

"Also, I'm looking for a TA to help out in class," he said before everyone wandered off. "Come see me after class if you're interested."

Please wait for OCD threads. Up.

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