Title: Songs About Rain
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Jack Shephard x Sun Kwon
Theme set: Delta
Rating: PG
Notes: Is in both numerical and chronological order, mostly. AU-ish.
#01 - Air
He was talking to her about the plants she'd brought him, and then she smiled that tiny, shy smile at him, and suddenly he couldn't breathe, there wasn't enough air.
#02 - Apples
He stood a little too close to her, talking animatedly, and she remembered a story about snakes and apples-looked at him with new eyes and wondered which one he was.
#03 - Beginning
He kissed her in her garden, impulsively, suddenly, and they were both ashamed and afraid and shocked, but it was a beginning-a beginning to what, neither knew.
#04 - Bugs
There were bugs everywhere on the Island, and everyone was constantly brushing away mosquitoes and sand fleas and beetles, but she never seemed to: maybe bugs would infringe on her quiet dignity.
#05 - Coffee
He missed coffee, maybe more than he missed anything else, and maybe that was the one reason he had to be thankful for the existence of the hatch; still, he was shocked when he walked in to take his shift and found a pot ready-made for him, and knew she was the only one who could have done it.
#06 - Dark
She wasn't afraid of the dark anymore.
#07 - Despair
She lay unconscious in the tent, bleeding and broken and small, and he realized that this was what despair tasted like.
#08 - Doors
His life had been a series of open doors; hers had been a series of closed ones.
#09 - Drink
The second time he kissed her he took his time about it, drinking in her and this stolen moment, not letting the truth and the wrongness take away from it.
#10 - Duty
He had a duty to the survivors as their doctor and leader; she had a duty to her husband as his wife; neither of them could let themselves forget their duty, not even for each other.
#11 - Earth
The earth felt cold and rough and gritty in her hands, but she didn't want to drop it in the grave.
#12 - End
He took her hand after the funeral: Jin's death was an ending and a tragic one, but it could also be a beginning.
#13 - Fall
He wasn't sure he was falling in love, but he was falling from something, and maybe that wasn't good but maybe it was.
#14 - Fire
There was a fire in him that reminded her of Jin, and she closed her eyes and let herself admire it.
#15 - Flexible
He wasn't that flexible when it came to resolving personal arguments, she discovered, and it left her in tears.
#16 - Flying
If it weren't for that doomed flight, they never would have met and he felt grateful for it; if it weren't for that doomed flight, her husband would still be alive, and he should've feel worse about that than he did.
#17 - Food
He brought her dinner and lingered by her side a few moments too long, wishing he could brush the hair out of her face, but Claire was watching and it would be wrong.
#18 - Foot
She brought him to the statue and asked him what it meant, but he couldn't come up with an explanation that didn't sound ridiculous.
#19 - Grave
She spent less and less time at Jin's grave, and more and more time helping him around the camp.
#20 - Green
He didn't really understand the allure of her garden-after all, she was surrounded by green and growing things pretty much twenty-four/seven, right?-but he helped root around in the dirt anyway.
#21 - Head
Kate made a halfway angry remark about how much time he'd been spending with her lately, and that brought everything to a head.
#22 - Hollow
So, they'd won, they could be together openly now, but their victory rang hollow.
#23 - Honor
Honor wasn't something he'd ever really thought about before, not in detail, but it was vitally important to her.
#24 - Hope
When he kissed her she could almost hope that it would be okay and it would work itself out.
#25 - Light
Sawyer called her 'Sunshine', and he figured that was about right; she was made of light and good and he was afraid he was going to drag her down.
#26 - Lost
She survived a plane crash; she'd spent months here on this island in the middle of nowhere; she'd long since given up seeing a rescue party; her husband died; but it's when he pulls her in to a tight hug that she feels the most lost.
#27 - Metal
His memories of meeting Sarah are of a metallic scent and anesthetic and a chunk of steering column; his memories of meeting her are of smoke and terror and the gigantic metal skeleton of a dead plane.
#28 - New
Waking up to his face was a deliciously new feeling, one she clung to because she was afraid to think too much about it.
#29 - Old
He felt so damn old sometimes, and it always seemed to be at the moment that she felt the youngest.
#30 - Peace
He couldn't find peace on his own anymore, but everything slowed and calmed when he was with her.
#31 - Poison
She never understood why he needed to poison himself with overwork and undercare.
#32 - Pretty
Death wasn't supposed to be pretty, he thought drowsily, and tried to say that, but he was unconscious before he could get the words out.
#33 - Rain
It rained four days straight as he lay in a tent, delirious and incoherent, and she shook, afraid that once again she was going to lose.
#34 - Regret
She pushed ahead during the day and refused to regret anything, but at night everything came at her at once.
#35 - Roses
When the color started returning to his cheeks, she cried from sheer relief.
#36 - Secret
"I think I love you," she whispered to him in Korean.
#37 - Snakes
He dreamt of snakes and woke up with a start; Desmond told him he'd been unconscious for a week.
#38 - Snow
Sickness had left him pale and easily exhausted; she made it her mission to get him back into shape.
#39 - Solid
When his muscles protested against the exertion and left him trembling and shaking, all he had to do was lean on her, solid and real and dependable.
#40 - Spring
Every day he got a little stronger, and her smile got a little brighter, and it was like spring coming to the Island.
#41 - Stable
It was weird, Hurley mentioned to Charlie one day, that the overworked doctor and the sweet Korean herbalist were probably the most stable institution in the camp now.
#42 - Strange
It stunned him to realize that he didn't find it strange to wake up to her face anymore.
#43 - Summer
Summer came to the Island, almost unbearably hot, allowing him much more opportunity to appreciate her in that bikini that was barely there.
#44 - Taboo
He found her in her garden, not working, not doing anything, and asked what was wrong; she shook her head and said, "Jin for a boy and Shannon for a girl"; when he understood what she meant he almost passed out.
#45 - Ugly
There was nothing ugly about pregnancy, he discovered, unless it was Sawyer's oh-so-sarcastic remarks.
#46 - War
Charlie sought him out to quietly remind him that the Others seemed to take a special interest in kids and mothers; he told the younger man that he'd sooner go to war than let the Others take her.
#47 - Water
"Jack, I think my water just broke."
#48 - Welcome
"Shannon and Jin Soo Shepherd, welcome to the Island."
#49 - Winter
It was winter again, they'd been on the Island four years and the twins were verging on two, when rescue finally showed up.
#50 - Wood
They've left everything behind, hand-carved wood for mass-produced plastic, but when he wakes up and she smiles at him and the twins are shrieking laughter in the next room, it doesn't seem as painful.