castle: the safety of illusion

Jan 26, 2011 23:16

Title: the safety of illusion
Author: missymeggins
Work type Fic (drabble, 100 words)
Fandom: Castle
Characters: Castle, Beckett
Rating: G
Spoilers: For Castle 3x13, Knockdown.
Written for: syd15
Summary It's not about the books anymore.

It's not about the books anymore. The truth is he's known that for some time but saying the words out loud make it real. And terrifying. Because it's one thing to put your life in danger in the name research but it's something else when the real reason you're doing it is simply because being near her brings you so much joy.

It's terrifying because it's all he has. He could tell her how he feels but that's a selfish act while she's with someone and he doesn't want to make her choose. So he just clings to the illusion.

fandom: castle, cause: qldfloods2011, donor: syd15, rating: g, author: missymeggins, type: fanfiction

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