Fandom Radio, Friday, November 19

Nov 20, 2010 02:26

Good evening, everyone. I hope your weekends have started well, and that you're all feeling better than last week. Or, at least, different than last week. It's much better this week, trust me.

School News

The Battles that Changed History class talked about WWI and how modern weapons changed everything about warfare. The students also got the chance to see a trench that was built to combat modern weapons. The Demolition and Dynamite class was all about the dynamite today. The students learned about dynamite's chemical compounds, and then had to try to make some of their own and test it in the Danger Shop.

In the What It Takes to Be a Badass class, Loki taught the students about improvisation by making them escape from a locked room filled with spiders. That's... one hell of a lesson. And in the Science of Deduction class, Sherlock led the students in examining each other's footwear to find out more about where they'd been and what they usually got up to.

The Student Council met today to discuss putting together the school's Thanksgiving feast. This says they don't want to disappoint me, and I'm very flattered by that, thank you. And the Apathy Club met and also talked about holidays together, with an emphasis on how much they suck. They didn't forget about the Whatever train after that, of course, and Professor Farnsworth was kind enough to supervise them all.

Finally, Kukaku snuck into Sherlock's office and did something with his violin. Or brought him a violin? I'm not quite sure, to be honest, so I'll be hopeful and lean towards the second one.

Dorm Notes

Kate had her Princess Valhalla Hawkwind garb pulled out in her room, and was spending some time in front of her webcam. Not doing anything inappropriate, I assume. Christian and Rinoa went on a date, where he treated her very formally, and they went on a walk. That sounds lovely, in a way. Kennedy was sleeping in when Tara stopped by to check on her and bring her some food, and they talked about how the last few days had been for Kennedy, and how exhausted she was. And Sookie was reading magazines in her room when Karla stopped in to check up on her, as did Raven and Bobby. Sookie shared food with them and talked about some things that happened earlier in the week with vampires. Ah, one of my least favorite creatures in the world. Except for the ones who are here, of course. You're all fine, with the not eating of people here and all.

Town Notes

Jaina had a quiet evening of relaxation and television watching at home. Arya hung out in the sweat lounge at Coyote Medicine, and Mary had to deal with the vending machine at the Arms Hotel only giving out chocolate covered grasshoppers. At least they're edible that way?

John Watson was in a good mood at the clinic, which seems to have unnerved some of the nurses. And Jessica was spending her evening throwing peanuts at the zombie band at Caritas until Cally came in to get a drink.

That seems to be all I have for this evening, so I'll go ahead and wind down. Have a safe weekend, everyone, and don't do anything I'll need to give you detention for on Monday.

zoe winchester

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