Fandom Radio, Monday, April 24, 2006

Apr 25, 2006 00:20

"Hellzo Fanananadom, this izzzz Professor Queen Princess Prime Minister Dr. Ms. Rita Skeeter, Duchess of Awesome, broadcasting to you liveinated an' everything!

An' no, 'm not drunk. Just a li'l bit thirsty, 'kay? I wanted some thirsty drinkiness after I got a thingy in the mail, an' you all? Can just deal.

Classes of classiness where people learned yay!

In Shop, people are princesses and queens and kings and dukes and all of that! Izzz fun t'play pretend, yis. An' Jenny's classes tha' deal wi' the head? They have a review thingy. Yay! And, and, and her other class? THEY WENT OVER STUFF FOR PAPERS.

I like paper. 'Cept when there's a bad letter on it. *hic*

Stuff happens in Creature Langu - langooges? Languages!, Us Hist'ry - HI JOSH, I THINK WE ARE OUT OF FIREWHISKEY, OOPS - Speechy class an' those two classes tha' I can't pr'nounce, but they deal with old stuff. Also? Quantum Physics does a thing and Western Literatiature and Tactics turn in things!

Parker opens the liberry. An' that's it! Boring!

Club for weird people or something meets and yay you all have friends!

Cafeteria means weird conversation about entrails. Ew.

Professor Ceeeeeeeeej opens the lounge for the teachers and OH, TEACHERS? I HAVE IMPORT - IMPORTANT QUESTION, YES. Do we have booze there? 'Cause I's all empty an' izz sad. GET BACK TO ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU! LOVE, RITA.

In the clinic, the nurse is all singing and stuff and yay for singing! Sometimes I like to sing.

I'm gonna be here for you baby *hic*
I'll be a, woman of my own word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms *hic*
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us


Dorms, which is like Doors, but not

Cameron uses the fellytone, and Veron - Veroronic - V talks to Nadia and Piper.

Also, 'Liz'beth and Li'l Miss Backtalky an' Sammy-sam-sam hang out! Yay f'r friends! Iv'nova gets a call from home. I like hearin' from home, yup. 'Cept for t'day, 'cause worstest news ever. An' Barbossa who is the bestest student EVAR does his interview for my class with Anak - Anakee...Annie.

Maia and Iv'nova are naughty, and boys and girls, I feel 'tis time for a lecture from Auntie Rita. Sometimes our bodies wan' us to do things. An' sometimes that's good, 'cause our bodies want us to have a snacky or a drinky or go piddle. But sometimes our bodies want us to be naked with other people an' we should be VERY VERY careful when we do that!

Practice safe lovin', boys and girls. You're all too young, anyway, but Auntie Rita can't help that.

Also, Nadia and Walter are awkward, and Ver - V and Piper run into things! Noes!

Molly tells not-John about her thingy tomorrow yay! An' Jaye's interviewed for my class, HOORAY, by Rory, an' Aeryn is really cute 'n stuff wi' that guy I hate, an' Callistie an' Pippi make with the small talk, an' Isabel and Xanadu have bonding time in their room, but no dirty. Nuh uh. An' Cally worries 'bout Anders.

Town is full of stuff where you can do things! has a quiet day at work. John who's NOT the bane of my 'xistence opens fixie store yay, an' Jay and Silent Bob do their thing.

Iv'nova's got a crown and is EVERYONE a princess today? 'Cause no, only me. 'm a Queen. Queen of Fandom. All hail. Y'can bring me prezzies and tributes in my classroom tomorrow!

An' Edmund sells flowers and drinks wine. BE CAREFUL, MR. EDMUND. GETTING DRUNKENATED WOULD BE BAD!

An' Braca's bored. I dunno. M'notes are unclear. Poss'bly 'cause I am wearing them as a hat.

In Caritas, Ang'la and Jar'd talk about prommy-prom-promminess! An' Ang'la, who SPILLED RED STUFF ON ME LAST WEEK! and Marty talk 'bout camping 'r somethin'. An' Marty an' Jarod talk 'bout secr - seeeekrits, an' GOB is creepy! As always! Creepy, creepy, creepy GOB. I wonder if he enjoys stickbug cookies.

Granny makes hangover stuff in the clinic, an' I dunno why anyone'd need that. An' also, Professorinator Honor goes there in the night with a kittycat!

AND NOW WE ARE DONE. Goodnight, Fandom! Goodnight to the wee kitties and bunnies and special pals! Remember safe love and DON'T WRITE LETTERS 'KAY THANKS BYE."

*long pause*

*sounds of snoring, eventually cut off*

rita skeeter

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