Fandom Radio, March 6

Mar 07, 2008 04:18

Hey there Fans, I am glad to see, that you - all back part from a break and free from, (we hope,) illnesses. H'm. It was supernatural. Someone feels supernatural?

The school which I think, should be a zone without a preparation.

Tactics reaches up to - seriously? Shoot each other? There are spheres and hearing. The river and Kerrigan are completely excited for this purpose. Both of them speak and WTF in lightball. The French language recieves midterms, ew, and people are offended! their translations. And, it - that you receive to take time.
Skywalker is obvious waxed some poets in Ethics. Everyone kinda goes what? about it, and even the horse sniffs. The Jedi have no feelings, to which I am dared, much. Jo and Anakin are there if you require them.

Intrusions of Fans reach, the entertainment sings this week. People plan rescue, areach to play with, sings. Vsa, the woman sings, and the man sings also. It is good to know, that the Winchester looked out for lady. The hatch some kind of spotted, and the Winchester is less spotted and more laughter. Ooo! The puma of the Dean accepts Management of the Conflict today. People listen and grope. The TA is absent, ah, but the puma-- there! And conversation to shine.

In Library, there easier! Another dangles, as well as one and another a ball. I am not assured, whether there was that offer usually supernatural. A bean, as I, is confused. Adam thinks, that light - the bridge, and I am not assured, whether this proper name is or not. Jen has come back to grasp doors. I assume, what spheres have no skills of capture?

Nathan and Nathan have the working day. Vala also has the working day. Liir "returns leather clothes from a delay, " curly. Mohinder gets to speak about the Mexican adventures.

I am drunk? What is it? I have not overturned it difficultly in years.

Hostels, where I am assured one of you, become ripe LSD.

The ponies! are frolicking in stables. Inara visits, and I pretend, that Karal not one of horses, thus we shall pass that of bats. Katara in coast, and Mel comes to speak about kissing and Zukko and Sokka and eek, clumsy. Sokka gets, and Katara isn't happy. About, you deceive also your horses and making out. Not as this.

In the Fifth Room of the rest of the Floor, Annette does bacon and the disorder. And mutter. Liir gets and century It is murmured is rather good, both does its pancakes and helps to clean. Ah, if your name was Peter I would name you perfecter. Not as this. John also comes. Oo! Conversation of Mexico happens! The Third Floorhas cinema of a spacecraft and Protection WEAPON Adamy. The river gets, and it turns to competition pissing about the one who can fly better. Why they only do not assort already? About! And Liir and Rabbit Andrew have house. Various seasoned experimental, but at least them do not name DESTRUCTION.

Later, Jamies rgue on Searches of the Galaxy. Jamies? What, your parents only have chosen one name, and have finished with surprise of additional children? Sokka goes for New Adventures, Jamies are shattered, the willow goes for Bitterwoman. Besides, Jamie would consider it (and you know what IT are) if the sheep was hot. Only..., warning sheeps. Triela asks whether it can observe struggle, and I agree with Sokka when it names it curly. And then struggle jello is mentioned. And Jamies explain that it is a thing of energy. So, not twins then? Romeo and conversation on Club of the Weapon, and OMG LALALA cannot hear you. Romeo asks Jamie if they struggle much to which it seems - yes. Sokka and Romeo do the whole ' about yes, the life is surprising, a thing of the teenager ' the person of the fop of chickens. Rikku speaks some madwomen in Sokka, but it thinks, that it is madman. Which, obviously, but it not any/or thing, it - And a thing.

Chris gets visits from Johnny, AND Summer, AND Lana. Popular dude. Force of Turtle! is actual put of down of paperwork in order to have a talk to Annette. Wow, impressive on the partition Annette. Reno sends some of emails, Sora sends the house of letter, and to model John phonecall of bizzare.. Kabuto makes the same, with added laughter of Ino. Seregil rejects by the room Of ronan's, and it for the hot chocolate, but it is also dirty.

Hoshi of meditating, but does not seem that the puppy helps. Meg is all sad and tv-watching, aw. Wyatt attends Anders. Dawn was obtained into Oxford, yay, and glees Sam. Mel makes mistakes said gleeing for preventing the attack of monster said, but it was established at the end. Peter Parker was obtained into the university of the Empire State, which I never hear of, only congrats! Sky there will be lightball, but Troy it entertains it with the stories Of geoffrey.

The town, where possibly one of YOU makes drugs.

To Turtle and to Canary, Sokka of pick of out a certain candy Of easter. I would fall in love to meet dentist of that little-one. Feet Amber by for the meat of squishy. Will excuse me thus far I vomit. Makoto is not very cheerful on the planet of Pizza, and Deadpool comes by for pizza of that filled with meat. It will be with you people and meat? It seems that make the Bananas of Geoffrey depondently. Millie orders the book, Mary obtains the subject cake of wedding, and melody Melody to babble funny on the kittens

To speak Mary, it and Gumby to speak funny too. Aw, Deadpool goes to the cable for as, the thing of bonding of man. I know it manly, reason will there be beer.

To Caritas, Robin it will be cherries/by the champion of the basketball of shotglass. The aid of Geoffrey comes to the conclusion the impacts of that whiteness of snow priesthood. Fraser will stare itself on I eat, and he is selected also to be tool. The dawn of babbly, which I think [normen] for it. Amber a little, but is obtained survey, and impact is further Billy. How gift with the purchase? The models Of fraser Robin have its new drink, the Frabatsky. That sounds horrible. Melody obtains lowdown on the dogs of the family Of frabatsky, and as they awesome and they are named for the food. Mopes Ron into its firewhiskey against to be Barney/Tink TA. Poor little-one, then I could traumatize. Troy orders mockworthy rum and coke,followed after is more less than mockworthy by beer. By Billy obtains much very more than mockworthy coke. Jaina it does not want to ripen, even if Sheppard wants its k. Is possible hum?

Melody and Robin will be my new models of role in the life, in proportion to they caused that entire your daily nourishment it can arrive from alcohol. Those that, little-ones? Absence of food, valid of booze.

The everything, I am which I have for tonight, each. Possibly I will feel more less than trippy tomorrow? If not, I to the ides to be therefore after I pissed. Whoever gives to me drugs, stops him. I love to accept them willingly preparedly.

((OOC- OMG, for some reason English to Russian to English turned "trolls" into "sings" and "Luke" into "hatch". And I was planning on saving the regular English version, but no, sorry. OMG dead now.))

richie tozier

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