Fandom Radio, Thursday, February 26, 2015 (or 1978, depending)

Feb 26, 2015 13:47

Good morning, everyone. This is Anakin Skywalker aboard the SS Help Me Help So Much Square Dancing and Tweed on our fifth day of vacation. I'm starting to hum the Bee Gees. I think the end is soon.

*sarcastic chittering*

Shut up, I'm not being overdramatic.

Anyway, yesterday the ship docked in Puerta Vallarta and we could all get off this floating disco nightmare and see what the 1970s looked like in Mexico instead. First people had to wake up, of course. Hannibal and Karla discussed the best way to telepathically contact people and Hannibal talked to Kaylin about a plan to get some more familiar food to eat. Only so much fruit cocktail a person can it in their lives, I guess. I don't mind it, really. There was plenty still available, of course, as well as a sun deck to visit and the pool and so on, but most people prefered to get off the ship and explore town. People walked along the Macelon--Hannibal and Anders found good Mexican food to eat--and others discovered the beach. Cosette and Edward climbed trees in the jungle and talked about their childhoods, while Kitty and Stiles caught up on current events, mostly about living with their significant others.

Obi-Wan and I looked around the church, Hannibal learned how to make tequila, others explored Isla Marietas and others went to swim with the dolphins.


Which is not to be confused with swimming with the fishes, I'm told. We returned to the ship to face the horror that was Square Dancing Night.

*more chittering*

No, I"m not telling ho-down jokes. What's wrong with you. Hatter's made friends at the Coral Room, so I guess if he's off playing mahjong with some old people today we know where he met them, but the main draw for the evening was the dancing. Over where they weren't square dancing, Flick used the power of sulkiness to keep people away from him, Ezra's spending other people's money at the Princess Lounge, and Anders told Nathan about working with Hannibal and Karla to improve the cuisine, which I have a very bad feeling about. Ronan started a tab at Starlight Lounge, and Elsa admitted to Joker that she needed a distraction from her fights with Barry.

A bunch of us ended up watching the square dancing, but only Obi-Wan and I were talking through the performance. Atton went for a swim, and Alana was stargazing...and that's all I've got.

Nothing from town?


Aww, it's snowing again there? Sucks to be them. Ha.

...and now I'm getting flipped off by a squirrel. That's new. Enjoy the new location everyone. Don't get too sunburned and Rory, I mean you.

anakin skywalker

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