Fandom Radio, Thursday, February 12, 2015

Feb 12, 2015 12:48

*extensive cursing. Congratulations, kids, you learned how to say 'I'm freezing my balls off' in Huttese!*

No, I don't like the snow. What gave it away?


If that was squirrel for 'whiny baby,' I'd be carefully considering just how close you're standing to me. This is Anakin Skywalker, it's cold as Hoth and snowing to boot outside, most of the power's out and this is probably the most pointless radio in a while, so I'll make it quick. In classes, Friendship is Cakes made Valentine's cakes, Modern Myths learned about the wonders of it to all of your doddering relatives, though they probably won't check it--and Mad Kings and Queens learned about Joan the Mad.

In the dorms, Gwen was selling Valentine's Day dance tickets and taking flower orders. In town, Obi-Wan was in his usual place at the Perk before Atton interrupted him and oh, I can see the speeder wreck from here without even having to read the notes.


Oh, it was civil? Well, Obi-Wan is pretty much the best negotiator in history so okay, I can buy that. Elsa is in the Magic Shop with her class-assigned baby--I'm glad to see you taking the assignment seriously, now, and make sure Ronan doesn't shirk on his end--and the baby is crying and a dog is howling and yet it's mysteriously quiet. I need that for my house. Also pick up the baby.

...and don't PUT IT IN A CLOSET, ALANA.

Frell, you people. I'm getting the biggest cup of coffee on this island, assuming the Perk is even working, and going home. Ugh. Snow.

anakin skywalker

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