The Magic Box, Wednesday

Feb 11, 2015 08:45

It was silent in the Magic Box today. So, so blissfully silent. The robobaby from Ethics class had started wailing, and had started Elsa into knocking a couple of large gems onto a vial of some manner of fluid, and the domino effect along the shelf from there had been spectacular. There had been a smashing sound, and then a screeching sound from the droid-thing, a thud of a display book hitting the floor and then being doused with spilling tea, and then Canute had howled, and then there was a poof of violet smoke, and then... silence as the smoke cleared.

Absolute silence. No screaming fake baby. No howling dog. No desperate sound of Elsa's shoes against the floor as she rushed to get something to clean up the mess with.

Just... nothing. Outside there were birds singing and rickshaw runners cursing the cold. But down here, in this particular room? Quiet.

A couple of hours later, the barest murmurs of noise were starting to return to the room, little whispers of sound if you listened hard enough. But Elsa wasn't listening. Elsa was sitting at the counter and drinking her tea in blissful silence as Canute played with the baby somewhere behind her.

... So there might be a few teeth-marks in this particular droid baby when it was time to hand it back in next week. Maybe it was... good for them?

In any case, the Magic Box was open. And so, so gloriously quiet, at least until the effects of the smoke wore off.

[OOC: Open for suuuper work-related SP, OCD-free.]

magic box, elsa of arendelle

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