Thank you everyone who has nominated! :D
Few things to note that have come up:
- Post My Keywords - when selecting this option in the form please remember to think why you're selecting it. It's so we can post them at the end of the round so the nominee has some idea why they were nominated. Therefore please consider if your nominee would know what is meant by the keywords you have chosen - Don't be too cryptic if you can help it.
- Some of you have chosen not to provide reference links - this if fine, however if you can find something to link to that will help show why your nominee deserves the award it may help your case and help the judges see what you mean.
- What I'm calling 'fandom jargon'. When explaining why someone deserves an award please bear in mind that not all of the judges will be from your fandom. You could be talking about a community, ficathon or a term that is well used and recognised in your fandom but if the judges don't know what you mean it will be hard to judge. Please keep this in mind and explain the significance of things even if they are obvious to you so the gravity of what you are saying is not lost on the judges.
- Some of the nominations are quite personal - therefore I am considering what to do when it comes to posting them at the end of the round (depending on the posting option chosen by the nominator of course) for these ones I may simply email them to the nominee instead of making them public.
That's it! Thanks for reading.