This show has gone from a medical drama, to a soap, to a fucking god damn sitcom. That would be annoying but mildly forgivable if they didn't try to shove the medical drama in the margins.
I think I ended last night's episode with emotional whiplash.
House and Wilson babysit! Shennanigans!
Dying newborn!
House escapades with Wilson and Poop!
Dead new mom!
Seriously, people. This is not working for me. The Cuddy shit is bad enough, but this? No. No. No some more. WTF. Odd moments of levity work for me, but as it is the, oh, medical drama which I thought was the point of the show is barely there. House is rarely at the hospital, not doing his job, and.
I don't think I can even entirely blame the Cuddy-crap for this. This was just bad damn writing.