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Comments 89

donutsweeper January 17 2008, 01:23:54 UTC
I think, over all, they're the same characters.

what's that great? They're the same people, but with more depth and insight into who they are


fandom_me January 17 2008, 01:24:48 UTC
Exactly! They're more human, more grown up, better rounded versions of themselves. That makes it so much easier to even view the S1 fumbling around within a better framework and OMG happy.


donutsweeper January 17 2008, 01:26:08 UTC
I'm bouncing I'm so happy, I was so bloody nervous, but they added SO much. There was the pissyness about Jack abandoning left them but totally tied to excitement and happiness he came back, it was just... *flails*


fandom_me January 17 2008, 01:40:50 UTC
I was nervous too, and I'm so glad I'm not now. now it's just all down to happy anticipation.


fan_eunice January 17 2008, 01:28:22 UTC
So. Much. Fun. I'm sitting here bouncing like a little kid.

Ianto's owning me, so far. He's both adorable and bitchy as hell, and I love it.

The eyerolling. My heart might explode with Ianto love. And TEAM LOVE OMG. They are TEAM, in a way that they didn't quite gel as a unit in season one that is giddy making. I wish to squish them all together in a big sloppy hug.


fandom_me January 17 2008, 01:41:30 UTC
SO much with the eyerolling love.

And just love.

I am happy.


badwolf36 January 17 2008, 03:48:16 UTC
The bit where they panned to Ianto when John offered an orgy. He was either a(rolling his eyes or b) considering it. :) And I have to admit the bouncing like a little kid part. I loved the team interactions. It was so nice to see a cohesive unit coming back into play.

The Jack/Gwen moment was nice. A little odd, but one has to take into account all the history between those two. Crack theory here: I think Jack saw it a bit as a wistful goodbye because he thinks he losing the person he confided into most to marriage. y/n?

And the Jack/Ianto scene in the office? Awkward and adorable and absolutely made of win. Looking forward to the slow burn throughout the season.

Tosh/Owen has now returned to my pairing happy mind. Damn it. The stupid plot bunnies just ate my brain. *Wants to write fic, needs to do homework*

*Did anyone catch how long Jack had been gone, because I didn't see it and I wanted to know.


fandom_me January 17 2008, 03:51:21 UTC
I didn't catch how long he'd been gone, no and it really bothered/bothers me. It's going to trip me up for fic until they tell us, I think.

There was absolutely awkwardness and love everywhere. Re: Jack/Gwen. I think, and I know it's not great/popular, but I think he wanted her, but always knew he couldn't have her/wanted her to have a more normal life, kind of saw her as a princess/normal/capable of being normal but the marriage thing still stung because he couldn't. This is my theory, at this second, mind you. It may change in five minutes.


_medley_ January 17 2008, 01:47:17 UTC
You know who I loved in this? Besides EVERYBODY and of course and always Jack? Owen. And I can't even say why, exactly.

But oh, yeah, John and Jack and what John does to Jack? EEEE.

And Ianto was awesome, with the eyerolling and the "not in an office" and challenging the lunatic with the gun.

I've missed these folks and I didn't even know it.


fandom_me January 17 2008, 01:50:59 UTC
It was so awesome. I loved Owen a lot, too and YES to missing them and I am so,s o almost facepalming because I LIKED THE DAMN JACK/GWEN MOMENT and they always annoyed me before. Maybe because it felt like Jack and Gwen talking about STUFF instead of to the audience but no gateway and no annoyance and HOMG bouncy.


_medley_ January 17 2008, 01:58:41 UTC
I was watching the Jack/Gwen through my fingers a tiny bit but I was OK once I saw where it went. And yes, they were talking about STUFF. That needed to be said.

::bounces:: ...Now I want icons. I think I've only got one TW icon. Well, there should be plenty to choose from, oh, any minute now. *g*


fandom_me January 17 2008, 02:04:21 UTC
I was braced for something I couldn't handle, but I was okay once it was there. Gwen's not a gate-way anymore. She's just Gwen and you know what? Jack needs her. Not romantically, but he needs her around, I think.


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fandom_me January 17 2008, 01:51:56 UTC
Oh, fuck them.

I don't care what you think about Gwen, or Gwen and Rhys, that moment said something BIG about Jack, and you can't bitch about it without doings omething unpleasant to Jack's characterization.

It was important to HIM.


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fandom_me January 17 2008, 02:01:09 UTC
I was loving Jack/Ianto in this episode for exactly that reason. Okay, sure, Jack didn't exactly come back to him and settle down and get monogamous. There was Jack/John and Jack/Gwen and you know what? That MAKES IT POSSIBLE for me to buy into Jack/Ianto and like it. Because it works for Jack that way.

And oh, god yes with Gwen. I was much happier this time with Gwen. like I'm really starting to like her and feel better with her, and her relationship with Jack absolutely damn well DOES make sense and Jack NEEDS that relationship to be balanced. It's not about the ship, it's that she provides something for him the others don't.

Just like they all each give him/the team something. That's what made this season WORK. Everyone has a role, everyone is important, and they all fit together so beautuflly.


matsujo9 January 17 2008, 03:54:35 UTC
*has finally watched and so can read this*

OMG I loved it.

The team grew up while Jack was gone and they now rely on each other and work so well together and they're still bitchy and jumpy but they're a *team* and it works and just. It was lovely.


fandom_me January 17 2008, 03:58:26 UTC
The 'grew up' thing I just think is the best description, ever.


matsujo9 January 17 2008, 04:03:38 UTC
I seriously can't think of a premiere I've enjoyed more.


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