Wednesday January 11, 2006

Jan 11, 2006 17:43

He'd slept in, because it just felt good to sleep. He rolled out of bed around 10, let Cash out in the courtyard while he showered and took his meds with toast. The puppy was more than ready to come in, and House took a few minutes to play with him before heading into the clinic ( Read more... )

blood samples, justin quayle, paige matthews, open clinic, blair sandburg, gregory house, death, brady bunch fiasco

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Comments 76

after classes the4thsister January 11 2006, 22:50:43 UTC
Paige hadn't been feeling so good yesterday, she felt even worse worse tonight, but she was here, looking pretty much like her world had just stopped turning.

"I came to tell you I could work the clinic Friday mornings and well any evenings you like, I thing I'm gonna have a lot of spare time now," she said


Re: after classes gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:02:20 UTC
"Wonderful. I'm flying out to Michigan tomorrow evening, for the weekend. Dr Wilson will be covering the clinic, you're more than welcome to drop by when you can and he'll show you around. Or wait till next week when I'm back." House gave her a slight smile. "I'm sorry, for whatever happened. But I'm glad to have you here."

House handed her a clip board. "Just fill his out, and we'll be good to go."

Clinic Application1. Name, age, point of origin ( ... )


Re: after classes the4thsister January 12 2006, 00:17:57 UTC
"I guess I'll get Dr Wilson to show me around, it'd probably help you out more right ( ... )


Re: after classes gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:31:53 UTC
House glanced over the application, then deposited it in a drawer. "You're hired. Rule the first, this drawer? Is mine." He tigged on a locked desk drawer. "Rule the second, keep track of Dr Wilson's pens. He's a little possessive. And don't remove Alanna's pencils from the ceiling." He looked up, there were still several pencils stuck above the desk.

"Everything is else is pretty basic. Exam rooms are private. Anything said in there is to be treated with confidentiality. If you have a concern, you bring it to myself or Dr Wilson. He won't be here as often as he used to be, but he is still an equal partner in this venture. He is authorised to make any and all decisions, about anything, if I'm not here. Even if I am here."

House gave her a little smile. "And if neither of us is here, you're on your own. DEATH is a good resource too. Don't be afraid to harass him."


jquayle January 11 2006, 22:52:24 UTC
After his class, Justin decided to stop by and visit Greg; he had nothing better to do and the man had been on his mind all day. Slipping off his jacket, he left it on the back of a chair before he came into the clinic, "Greg?" he asked, having no idea where he was in the clinic.


gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:04:57 UTC
He was in the office with Cash, and the puppy bounded to the door when he heard Justin's voice. (The door is closed, but there is window cut into the wall) House stood up and looked through the window. "Hey, come in." House smiled and moved to the door to open it.


jquayle January 12 2006, 00:34:51 UTC
Laughing, Justin picked up Cash and cradled him, messing with his ears before setting the small puppy back down. He entered the office with a wide smile, moving in to embrace Greg.


gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:57:58 UTC
Hosue embraces Justin for a moment. "I tried to get to your class, I got hung up with a student."


After the libray, before his class lovechildblair January 12 2006, 00:07:19 UTC
Blair walked into the clinic, pulling banana bits out of his hair and looking for Dr. House.


Re: After the libray, before his class gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:19:29 UTC
He just happened to catch Hosue walking out of the back office, where he'd been giving Cash a little attention. "Hey, Tigger." he greeted Blair, and scanned the boy's very banana-laden appearance. Didn't monkeys like bananas? "Er, been hanging out with Mr Neilson?"


Re: After the libray, before his class lovechildblair January 12 2006, 00:24:30 UTC

Blair sneezed and bounced sort of tiredly. "Hey, Dr. House!" Blair grinned at his nickname and pointed at his hair. "Actually, it was the librarian. He threw a banana at me when I called him a monkey. He's an ape."


Re: After the libray, before his class gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:26:17 UTC
"And the sneezing? Related to the banana?" House asked, glancing over Blair, looking for swollen eyes or nose.


Re: After the libray, before his class death_n_binky January 12 2006, 00:39:26 UTC
*DEATH walks into the clinic having finshed his last class of the day. He is wearing his professional robes - simple black - and has a small calico kitten trailing after him. He is carrying a small collection of colored condom balloon animals.*



Re: After the libray, before his class gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 00:53:03 UTC
"Afternoon," House looks up from his book, he book of Petrarch's sonnets. . "Enjoying Professor Chaucer's class?"


Re: After the libray, before his class death_n_binky January 12 2006, 01:09:25 UTC


Re: After the libray, before his class gotcanewillpoke January 12 2006, 02:00:03 UTC
House nods. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Geoff, er, Professor Chaucer seems to be a good teacher. Very inspiring."


Early evening... auroryborealis January 12 2006, 01:19:54 UTC
"Tiger?" Rory Alice called, striding into the clinic with Broots Sam on her heels.


Re: Early evening... dorky_broots January 12 2006, 01:23:02 UTC
"Here boy!" Broots Sam came in a second later.


Re: Early evening... auroryborealis January 12 2006, 01:23:51 UTC
"C'mon, Tiger! You can have a treat if you come back," Rory Alice called enticingly.


Re: Early evening... dorky_broots January 12 2006, 01:25:13 UTC
"How about a nice, juicy piece of steak? You'd like that, wouldn't you boy?" Broots Sam turned to Rory Alice. "Do you think he's here?"


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