August Challenge: Five of Pentacles
-- Tragic Losses bitter bite, like lost coins on a cold winter Night
-- The Five of Pentacles cries of any circumstance of misery, unemployment, mounting bills, or impoverishment. It can also mean physical problems, marital distress, a feeling of abandonment, or feeling out of place.
-- They show us what it feels like to be without - to lack the basic ingredients of life. This is the specter that haunts so many in our world - a reality that is all too immediate. Those of us who are more fortunate may not have experienced this extreme, but we still recognize suffering. When we do not have what we want and need, it hurts.
(source)-- When this card isn't related to material problems, then it is a time of being alone, of feeling abandoned, of feeling ignored and unwanted. It tells of a need for support and comfort. This can be either giving or receiving.
(source) Six of Cups Wrap Up
Temptations of the Flesh by
lodessa - A Song of Ice and Fire, Jon/Melisandre, Littlefinger/Sansa (for The Devil)
Doulon (the saddest of kingdoms) by
kethlenda - Flesh and Spirit, Magrog/Nemelez (for The Devil)
A Backwards Persephone by
lodessa - Harry Potter, Minerva, Tom/Minerva, Bellatrix (for 10 of Swords)
Chapter 1 and
Chapter 2 of Opposites Repel by
lamaitresse - Degrassi, Jesse, Ellie, Alex, Paige, Marco (for 6 of Cups)
Draught of Simple Pity by
piperrhiannon - The Inside, Paul/Rebecca (for The Emperor)
Set Right by
lodessa - A Song of Ice and Fire, Dany/Jon (for Wheel of Fortune)