Tin Man fic

Aug 01, 2011 16:30

Freedom Series

Title: Freedom Series
Fandom: Tin Man
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jeb Cain, Azkadelia, DG, Wyatt Cain - Az/Jeb & DG/Wyatt
Genre: Drama mostly
Rating: PG13/T
Warning(s): Series - for now, a collection of one shots, helps to read in order, but I don't write them in order...go figure
Disclaimer: I do not own anything you recognize.
Summary: What happens to our heroes after the Eclipse? Links to all of the stories here.

1. A Revelation
2. Justice Denied
3. Ready to Run
4. Releasing the Chains
5. Within Our Grasp
6. A Nickname for Love

More to follow when I get them written!

character: wyatt cain, rating: pg13/t, character: jeb cain, character: azkadelia, genre: drama, character: dg, pairing: az/jeb, fandom: tin man, pairing: dg/cain

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