Title: Musophobia
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/Pairing: Rodney, Zelenka, Miko
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG13/T
Warning: Not Kavanagh friendly
Word Count: 1262
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it.
Summary: Written for rinkafic - thank you for your donation to Help the South! Her request was an SGA fic with Rodney, Zelenka, & Miko - prompt: Trouble shared is trouble halved. She also requested a mouse for giggles. Well, apparently this is what my brain comes up with based on those prompts. Enjoy!! Oh, and there are a couple of words that Google swears is Czech. I don't speak the language,so I heartily apologize if the grammar is bad or it makes no sense!