
Jan 11, 2009 13:14

Things I have read/watched/become unduly obsessed with recently:

1) Naomi Novik's Temeraire book series (or, The Great Platonic Love of One Man and His Dragon): ( massively tl;dr non-spoilery review )

recs, ffvii, gaming, ouran, reviews, temeraire

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alienchrist January 11 2009, 16:40:27 UTC
Man, the Ouran fandom is bleak. I have some ideas for fic, but I feel like it would really be raging against the 'completely OOC / PG13 drabbles / what?'-ness of everything I see posted in the fan communities. And I hate to catch an attitude problem, but I don't really want to write for a fandom where I'm not sure I'll be appreciated.

I ship Kaoru/Hikaru, heaven help me. Yes, this from the guy who hates Gavincest. Um...

I don't think I'm gonna bother seeing The Spirit.

EDIT: Watch Hikaru no Go! All 75 episodes!


fanbeatsman January 12 2009, 18:21:11 UTC
Yeah, I'm subscribed to the fandom newsletter, and I can see where you're coming from :/ Actually capturing or imitating the spirit of a series as quirky and metatastic and self-referential as Ouran is harder than people think, it seems. Like you, trying to take it in a new direction, or offer a new perspective on it, is the way I'd like to fic it or see people fic it, but you're right that it would be going against the grain - and tbh I sympathise with not wanting to put time and effort into something that might end up going ignored, whatever people say about writing for yourself first and foremost ( ... )


alienchrist January 12 2009, 18:38:31 UTC
I can see how you could do a lot of interesting stuff with Kaoru/Hikaru, you know (their storyline probably had the most depth of all of them, I think) - but dear lord I do not envy you trying to find fic :s I'd imagine most of it's awful, but then again I might just be being horribly unfair.

No, it's basically as bad as you could imagine and worse. There was someone writing some decent things on the kink meme last year, but the whole thing's died out. PW really sets you up for disappointment in other fandoms.

I don't think the overall age group of the fandom is conducive to anything but the dreaded squee, honestly. There were some memorable things on the kink meme, but everything was dreadfully short. And with the fascinating dynamic all the characters have (I love Kyouya/Tamaki too, I actually didn't until toward the end, otherwise I was sitting there saying, "I don't really see -- oh." And Tamaki's such a goof, yeah, I imagine he lets his heart get swept up pretty easily. The cast is just so great in general ( ... )


fanbeatsman January 12 2009, 19:34:28 UTC
Yelling at the fandom is always a good reason to write fic, imo and I'm not just saying that because I'd like to see your ideas for Ouran fic ¬_¬. Sometimes, it just needs doing :D Actually, now I think about it, yelling at (or at least talking sternly to) either fandoms or source texts is possibly the main thing that drives me to write fic.

Kyouya/Tamaki would normally be bulletproof-ship-kink stuff for me - the complementary personalities, the "normally cold character makes exception for one person without having a complete personality 180" thing that Kyouya's got going on, the fact that they mean a lot to each other but never articulate it - I just can't seem to bring myself to separate them from their awesome dynamics with all the other characters, in the end :D

I'm feeling a little out of the loop with Hetalia too, haha. I've not had much of a look at it, tbh, so I don't know whether all the fuss is justified or not XD I'm not all that great at being multifannish anyway, though; it takes a lot of mental energy for me to be ( ... )


alienchrist January 12 2009, 19:55:29 UTC
Yeah, I basically wrote So Klingt Liebe to yell at fandom. Though it was mostly DAMN IT SOMEONE WRITE THIS PAIRING. NOW. Oh fine, I'll do it! And also because of the source, like, uh, what happens to Machi ( ... )


fanbeatsman January 12 2009, 20:46:58 UTC
Both those ideas sound really interesting - I can see how both would work as ways of exploring and taking apart how their relationship is constructed in the canon. I think the myth-based one in particular could be really amazing, what with how it would tie in to the construction of the "specialness" and almost mystical-ness of the relationship between twins, but I can also see how it would be a lot of work. Although actually, the more I think about it, the more the second idea's getting my brain working, too - memory loss and disorientation would be such an interesting device in the context of a relationship where the line between types of feelings is imposed, rather than felt. I think you could do a lot with either idea, anyway. Whether there'd be much of an audience for it...I don't know ( ... )


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