Both those ideas sound really interesting - I can see how both would work as ways of exploring and taking apart how their relationship is constructed in the canon. I think the myth-based one in particular could be really amazing, what with how it would tie in to the construction of the "specialness" and almost mystical-ness of the relationship between twins, but I can also see how it would be a lot of work. Although actually, the more I think about it, the more the second idea's getting my brain working, too - memory loss and disorientation would be such an interesting device in the context of a relationship where the line between types of feelings is imposed, rather than felt. I think you could do a lot with either idea, anyway. Whether there'd be much of an audience for it...I don't know.
I like the idea of Kyouya/Kaoru! If they could manage to navigate the fact that both of them have another extremely important person in their life (which I imagine they both could; I can't see either of them being especially jealous people), then I reckon that would work really well. Frustrating that the fic wasn't great :/
I like the idea of Kyouya/Kaoru! If they could manage to navigate the fact that both of them have another extremely important person in their life (which I imagine they both could; I can't see either of them being especially jealous people), then I reckon that would work really well. Frustrating that the fic wasn't great :/
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