Sep 01, 2008 12:40
Does anyone go to church here? Everywhere I go, I'm always the odd man out. Like at work. And the internet. At oddly enough, at church too.
On Friday, I went to a Missionary... convention, I think? They had some booths and I guess you could call the guest speakers "speakers" for the "panels" there.
... It was crazy funny. The guest speaker was a missionary from China, and though he's an American, he speaks Chinese better. And the person translating from English to Korean had some trouble, but he was really good at improv.
Speaker: In the year 2000 AD...
Translator: ... Two-thousand?
Speaker: Two-thousand AD.
Translator: Eighty?
Speaker: AD. In the year 2000 AD.
Translator: ...2080.
Speaker: *writes in the air* A. D.
Translator: OH! *translates entire phrase to four syllables*
Speaker: ... '__'
Speaker: *after finishing a long run-on sentance* I don't know how this will translate to Korean.
Translator: (In English) Korean translation is excellent, so don't worry.
There were more, but these were the ones that I wrote down or remember ^^;
The guest speaker my dad invited to our church was... quiet. And he had lots of pauses. He reminded me of the guy who would pray for 30 minutes back at my old church. My brother started snoring once, and after that, my mom just told us not to come to service when he was scheduled to pray ^^;;
... Alright, time to clean out the garage :/