I got rid of the minishop and decided to sell the remaining six shitajiki at Fanime.
There has been interesting things happening between me, Guy and Roommate (from my
last post. Nothing romantic, but definately a prelude to the destruction of >:DD
Story #1: It's French
Guy randomly came over to my seat during class while I was browsing around DeviantArt. He asked me how to pronounce "Deviant Art", and I told him to look it up on the dictionary >>;
He kept pressing me for a reply, so I finally decided to give him atleast half an answer and said "DA".
"So you say this 'Dee-Ay'?" he asked, pointing to the word 'Deviant'.
"Yeah, it's French."
Story #2: If only I had the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
On Tuesday, Roommate made it a ritual to sit in my class every chance he got after the whole Valentine's Day incident.
Once I managed to lose him after class. However, I wasn't sure if he was totally out of the building yet, so I took the stairs down.
Now our school is built oddly, so taking the stairs to the first floor means going down to the basement and walking to another stairwell past the cafeteria and student store.
After walking down five flights of stairs and entered the basement, I turned my head to look into the cafeteria.
I saw Roommate.
Roommate saw me.
So I ran away. =___=;;;;;
I literally hit the ground running as soon as he saw me. It was totally by instinct. If I said I felt bad, that would be lying, but I know it wasn't the best course of action I should have taken.
But hey. If he leave me alone, everything will be T3H P34ch3Y :D