Title: Just a scratch Fandom: Naruto Characters: Umino Iruka, and Hagane Kotetsu Prompt: 27. Just a scratch Rating: PG Author's Notes: I need to colour this one Link: ( Fixed )
Title: Ramen Fandom: Naruto Characters: Umino Iruka and Uzumaki Naruto Prompt: 41. Lucky Rating: PG Author's Notes: They are lucky, becaouse they have each other Link: ( Photobucket )
Title: Caught Fandom: Naruto Characters: Umino Iruka and Hatake Kakashi Prompt: 1. Don't look Rating: PG Author's Notes: xDDD Seems like I only can draw when I'm in class Link: Deviantart ( Photobucket )
Title: The light is on Fandom: Naruto Characters: Hagane Kotetsu, Kamizuki Izumo, Umino Iruka and Hatake Kakashi Prompt: 44. It's on Rating: PG Author's Notes: Done in class while I tryed (really hard) not to fell asleep =_= Link: ( Cut to the pic )