Am slowly getting back on all my late e-mail. Yay! Soon enough I'll be able to read at long last all the good fiction I've missed during those holidays.
I'm also quite glad because things with
Ordinary People are picking up. It's a webseries in French I'm co-writing with three other authors, all of them quite talented. All of our characters live in San Francisco, and we're simply telling their lives, how they come to interact, etc. It's a whole lot of fun and you learn a lot from working with others... not to mention the fact that we have quite a lot of fun yapping at each other. I love those girls. Anyway, it's been two years since we first decided to do this together, and we've posted all in all two episodes. Quite sad, yes, but as I said, things are picking up. I'm working on episode four and it feels good. (Am also trying to respect French punctuation and oh how I hate it.)
Gakked from
twixou and
-My name is: Fanny
-nicknames: Fan'
-sex: female
-birthday: August 9th 1983.
-colour: silver.
-star sign: leo.
-place of birth: Reims, Marne, France
-current residence: starting the end of september, Grappenhall, Cheshire, England
-hair color: the dye is sort of fading away... natural is brown, but with the dye is dark-reddish
-eye color: brown, with more or less green depending on when.
-height: 167.
-writing hand: right.
-do you bite your nails: used to, now just the skin around it (baaad Fan', baaad)/
-can you roll your tongue: no.
-can you blow smoke rings: no.
-can you blow spit bubbles: no.
-can you cross your eyes: yes.
-tattoos and where: none yet.
-do you make your bed daily: semi-yes... okay, no.
-what’s sexiest on a guy: can be any number of things. Voices are always a big thing for me, but also... a nice back. Hands. Eyes. Hair can be sexy too.
-what’s sexiest on a girl: Again, can be many things - and again, the voice! I guess actually, all of the above stand, only it's not the same qualities for each that will make it/them sexy.
-do you cook: well, I've had to. I'm no chef though.
-how often do you brush your teeth: once a day.
-do you shower/bathe: bathe when I have time, I love reading in my bath. Mostly shower though.
-how long do these showers last: 5 minutes or so. Baths are far longer.
-hair drying method: depends on what I want, either the hair-drier or letting them dry.
-do you swear: yes.
-do you pee in the shower: no.
-what color is your bedroom: plastered with posters...
-colour with wallpaper border: huh?
-do you use an alarm clock: yes.
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: only four? *grumbles* Let's make generalisations.
1. a good number of actors, actresses and directors.
2. a good number of books.
3. a good number of TV shows.
4. a good number of series.
-what’s your sleeping position: I really couldn't say. Jo?
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: no.
-do you sleepwalk: no.
-do you talk in your sleep: apparently, that one time I did. Unsurprisingly, it was with the BR folk.
-how about the light on: no. Well, it doesn't matter, really.
watched bambi: a while ago, must have still been a kid.
cried: when we discovered Firefly in French - nah, kidding. Almost though, it was that painful. No, truly, I think it was when watching the end of Ned Kelly.
talked on the phone: yesterday.
read a book: this morning. Nothing better than a good read to start off your day.
is music important to you: yes, quite.
do you sing: offkey, but I love singing.
what instruments do you play: learned a bit of flute in junior high?
what do you think of Eminem: I'm not interested.
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: I couldn't name any one band, sorry.
pop music: rock pop, yes.
rock music: yes.
punk music: yes.
rap music: no, with exceptions.
hip-hop/RB: a world of no.
country: yes - well, especially when mixed with rock.
jazz: yes.
classical: now and then.
new age: not really.
hardcore: yes.
metal: yes.
indie rock: yes.
Could you live without the computer?: no. Where would I write?
What’s your favorite fruit?: blackcurrant.
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: I'd need to be tortured in both manners to answer that knowingly, so I'd rather remain unable to answer.
Trust others way too easily?: sometimes.
Of times you have had your heart broken? No breaks that couldn't be mended so far.
Of hearts you have broken? Hopefully, none.
Of girls kissed? 3.
Of boys kissed? 10-12?
Of drugs taken illegally? 1.
Of close friends? a few.
Of CD's owned? I've lost count.
I know: not all that much.
I want: to come back from England with a kick-arse accent.
I have: not enough time to do everything I want.
I wish: teleporters were a real thing.
I hate: feeling trapped and manipulated.
I fear: loneliness.
I hear: Sarah singing.
I ache: to be with Jo again.
I care: about my friends, family, love.
I always: build defenses around myself.
I dance: as much as possible.
I cry: now and then.
I write: not enough! I want more time to write. /end whine
I confuse: ... I'm coming up short.
I can usually be found: at my place.
-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: wouldn't know.
Gang member: no.
Daydreamer: yes.
Alcoholic: no.
Freak: 'course.
Brat: hopefully not.
Sarcastic: yes.
Goody-goody: no.
Angel: no.
evil: no.
Friend: yes.
Shy: yes.
Adventurous: depends what we're talking about... so I guess that's a no.
Intelligent: yes.
Your best feature [personality]: open-minded.
Most annoying thing you do: attack 'cause it's the best defense.
Biggest mistake you've made so far: I don't believe in regrets. You never know how something might have turned out, should you have done something different that *might* appear better... but might have had worse consequences, ultimately. (Otherwise I'd stay making such a clean cut between me and Sylvain - maybe if I hadn't we'd still be friends and he wouldn't be with his psycho-girlfriend but with a nice girl... or maybe not.)
Describe your personality in one word: me.
A smell that makes you smile: baking apples.
A city you'd like to visit: San Francisco.
A drink you order most often: a beer.
Drink you get brought alot: I don't get drinks brought to me.
The music you prefer while alone: depends, I have cycles.
A TV show you watch regularly: many of them.
You live in: starting the end of september, a flat I'm sharing with other language TAs.