"Je habite Los Angeles. Et London."

Nov 05, 2006 20:43

Updating at long last! Several items today.

1) Robin Hood last week? I probaby shouldn't have been laughing when 'it' happened, should I? Love how there's been no mention of it in this week's episode so far (Kay died on me in the middle of it? I'll get panicked when I'm sure I can't revive her, but for the moment the point is that I'm stuck in the middle of the episode, and how can anybody think that Jack is a guy? I'm confused).

2) Jamie Cullum? There aren't enough words. NOT ENOUGH WORDS. He is AMAZING and I LOVE HIM and the concert was BRILLIANT. Honestly. He sang Liar, Liar in French. He was cute and had so much energy and oh, god, I love him so bad. His style. His hair. There was samba! The Zenith was full. Loved it. LOVED IT. If you like his music? A concert is at least ten times better than his recordings. And his hair is a thing of insanity and fascination, did I mention that?

3) There was something off to the episode, I found, and it's very easily summed up by: it wasn't about the boys. It was about Jo and Dean, and Sam was in the background, and much as I actually like Jo (not crazy in love with her, but I don't hate her, which is surprising given her Mary Sue potential), I watch this show because of the boys. They're what I'm interested in, not her. And that whole Papa Winchester's responsible for her father's death thing? I can't be bothered. I would've liked it so much better if she'd found out that Papa Winchester was also her Papa. Because yeah, just as expected as what that was all about, but then what with the tension with Dean, it would've brought up incest. ...I can so see Sam bitch about how if Dean's gonna get incestuous, he could at least have the decency to do it with him.

4) Alright, so I'm going to hell because there were moments when part of me couldn't help but lust after Alan. And his Carl was so creepy. He really sold it for me. I could care less about CSI, and the episode itself, but Alan gave a great performance. I'd love to read an interview about that. If anybody sees him discussing that part, give me a nudge? Cheers.

5) Robbie Williams is no less insane than usual, and speaks French with the cutest accent. As if I had any doubt.

6) I'm sorry, am I still supposed to care about Lost?

7) They should seriously think of renaming it "The Anatomy" and making Meredith die some boring old death somewhere. Or just move away. I'm not bothered.

8) I love my family. I didn't see as much of my parents as I would've liked (dad was recording stuff with his choir, mum was working), but I spent quite a bit of time with sis and her boyfriend, and that was of the very good. Even with lil!bro, which made me happy. Although we both suck at Pictionary.

9) I finally saw the reason why everybody else loves Adrien Brody. And god I love him even more than I used to. And still don't see how people can not find him beautiful, with those eyes of his. He's simply amazing, and that movie is as good as it's made up to be.

10) Something else which didn't surprise me? Troy. The boys were very pretty in skirts and little tunic things that made me want to lick their stomachs. And it's a cast that should've guaranteed a good movie. Except it really sucks. In a loooong kind of way, on top of just being bad.

So, pretty much? I love Jamie Cullum. I love my family. And I want to be watching Torchwood already!

alan owns a piece of my heart and soul, supernatural, films, lost, series, music, my life is so interesting

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