(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 14:04

So I've been shite at keeping up with the flist for the past week and then some, and I don't think I'm going to catch up.

In other news, look how I'm not doing NaNo. NotnotNOT. I've resisted the Captain Jack muses, and trust me it wasn't easy. But I'm doing the responsible thing, which kills me a little inside because I feel like I haven't truly written any fic in ages. I miss it.

I know I mentioned it before, but for the, like, four Authority fans on my flist, is any of you into, or willing to give a go to, online RPing? More specifically, the Hero Network, where all comic books collide. It's loads of fun, full of amazing writers, and we've got our little family, Apollo, Midnighter and Jenny Q, and we would love other Authority people to play with. Perhaps not a Doctor (even though the kid intrigues me a lot) as his powers would be way off the chart for the comm, but an Angie or a Shen or a Jack. We even might have an opening for a Jenny Sparks through a plot that's going to come through soon, if anybody wants to take her up - she'd only be ghost-like, though. Which is bound to frustrate her something fierce and oh how we would love a Jenny Sparks.

And as far as timelines go, we went AU after Revolution.

Right. Now that that shameless bit of plugging and come-play-with-us! is done... Tonight's Jamie Cullum, and I'm driving home with the parents for the weekend. And I should go pack before I head to my Shakespeare class. Meh. But! Jamie Cullum!

Also I am forever indebted to south_uist because I have just received the whole of Oz'. Oh, god. Except ramblings ahead. It has been too long.

How's everybody doing?

the authority, oz', nano, music

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