How much do I love them for the fact that it's Ricky? I LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS I LOVE NINE. Oh, I miss my Doctor. My doctor who was calling him Ricky for a reason! *squee!*
That said, the kid could act better as Ricky. And I still love Mickey. And when he made the Doctor "choose" who to follow? *snerk* But, yes.
And oh, my god, I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK. The Doctor insisting that they are surrendering was fucking brilliant. I cannot wait. I CANNOT WAIT.
And Ten's just so - god. He called her "she," and then he kicked the TARDIS and I wanted to swat him on the head. And he was just so bleedin' arrogant and a bastard and I love him so, so, so much. In a different way than I love Nine, mind you. But, so much love.
AND ROSE'S FATHER! I love Rose's father. And I loved her mother's reaction to her giving her marital advice.
And did I mention how hard I inwardly squeed when his grandma called him Ricky? RICKY. *clings to Nine* RickyRickyRicky.
And god, David's surrendering performance. Seriously. The guy is good.
I'll probably watch it again this week and have less fangirly reactions to it, but right now? So full of fangirly love. And I really want to see the old Cybermen episodes.
That squeed. You can still go and
request a drabble from me. I'll happily fulfill your request; I've had fun writing characters/interactions I'd never thought about or dared attempt, so thanks all of you that participated!
Oh, and also? SQUEE.