The first 15 people to comment on this post, with a fandom, character or pairing and prompt of some sort get to request a drabble from you. If they feel like it, and only if they feel like it, requesters can post this in their journal and write a drabble for you.
And I swear to you people, I will actually write these drabbles straight off. No pushing it back, no waiting months for them. (And by drabble I mean tiny little ficlet. I can't be bothered with word counts.)
The fandoms I'll write in:
1. Firefly
2. Buffy/Angel
3. Profit
4. A Knight's Tale
5. Queer As Folk (UK)
6. Doctor Who (2005 and 2006)
7. Shakespeare In Love
8. Alias
9. Lost
10. The Lord of the Rings
11. The Pirates of the Caribbean
12. Harry Potter
13. Highlander
14. Casanova (the RTD series)
15. Rent
And, like
houses_on_fire said, "any [reasonable] crossovers of the above list."