Title: A Time for War
Author: San Antonio Rose (
Fandoms: GG/Supernatural
Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Henry, Jess, Bobby, Ellen, Rufus, Ash; Gil, Agatha, Zeetha, Zantabraxus, Klaus, Van, Ardsley, Theo, Sleipnir, Tarvek, Colette, Violetta, Barry; Azazel, Andy Gallagher, Ansem Weems, Ava Wilson, Jake Talley, other surprise guests
Pairing: Gen with background het (Dean/Zeetha, John/Mary; mentions of Sam/Jess, Gil/Agatha, Tarvek/Colette, Theo/Sleipnir, Zanta/Klaus)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~34,200
Warnings: SPN-level violence
Notes: Part 12 of
The Stanford Adventure Club AU. Complete in seven parts; all parts are linked. Not intentionally written for
Girl Genius Event Week 2018, but does fit most of the prompts.
Summary: From Cold Oak to Sunrise, Phase 3 of the Stanford Adventure Club's plan to save Sam Winchester leads through ghost towns and demon fire to the very gates of Hell. But despite their triumphs, Zantabraxus warns that the war's not over yet, and soon the club has a new and deadlier mission--with John Winchester's life in the balance.
No. You go to hell. )