Title: A Time to Gain
Author: San Antonio Rose (
Characters: Zantabraxus, Sam, Dean, Zeetha, Henry, Gil, Agatha, Tarvek, Colette, Ash, Theo, Ardsley, Missouri Mosely, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jess Moore, Zola, Lucrezia, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, Klaus, Barry, other cameos and surprise guests
Pairing: Het (Sam/Jess, Dean/Zeetha, Gil/Agatha, John/Mary, John/Lucrezia [dub-con]; mentions of Tarvek/Colette, Theo/Sleipnir, Zanta/Klaus)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~29,000
Warnings: SPN-level weirdness, violence, and witchcraft; implied/off-screen sex; Lucrezia being gleefully evil
Notes: Part of the
Stanford Adventure Club AU.
Summary: Phase 2 of the Stanford Adventure Club's plan to save Sam Winchester hits a snag when a vision sends the Winchesters to Lawrence, and Lucrezia Mongfish finds John Winchester before his sons can. But the elder generation may have enough tricks up its collective sleeve to turn Hell's schemes inside out.
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