Oct 06, 2008 05:52
Hi. I am new to the ommunity. I have been watching(sis's kids) my nephews on and off since they were babies. And my niece for the past year. Also my sisters pets. I love my niece and nephews, but I do have some horror stories from watching them. Most involving conflicts with their mother. Who expects me to take on full responsibility for parenting her children, and her pets, even though I am not a live in nanny.
I get the kids from 5:30 in the morning till about 4:30-5:00 at night. I go all out for these kids by reading with them, taking them to the park, coloring and playing with them(I am an artist, and the 3 year old boy likes painting with me) watching movies with them, etc. As far as the animals go, Ive gone as far as treating for fleas, transporting to the vet, cleaning up dog crap, and pee due to her randomly wanting to buy a puppy, and not doing her research. Nor bothering to train it properly. Same thing for her cat. The dog is allowed to pee all over the house. I take my own dog with me since I am with the kids all day. She was blaming my dog for peeing in the house, until recently. Despite the fact I had told her that she was with me most of the time. That it was hers doing it not mine. I left mine home for a month, when it finally sunk in that it really was hers doing it after all. She also got a real wakeup call when I called her at work one day stating that something was wrong with her dog, and that she needed to go into the vet right away. Dog was laying around, acting lethargic, with runny eyes. I was told to take her to the vet only if I wanted to. Otherwise whipe her eyes, and she would be fine. Turned out the dog really did have some medical issues going on. The vet wasn't too happy with her. She ended up treating the dog, as well as making her update all her shots that she had been neglecting to do since she had bought it as a puppy.
Now back to her, the kids, etc. Her cleaning up dog and kid pee habits are very unsanitary, normally if one has accident, she throws a towel over it, and lets its dry. Instead of cleaning it up with soap and water. Recently she's been throwing carpet cleaner on the dog pee, and lets it dry. Then wonders why it still pees all over the place. The whole house stinks like kid and dog piss.
Her oldest son is in first grade. He's learning to read. I have been working with him on the reading part. Has she? Nope. I know for a fact that she hasn't because his teacher sent home a paper last week where you write down the names of the books you have sat down and read with the kid. So far only those I have read with him are on the paper. I don't mind reading with him. But I feel she also needs to take some responsibility with it too.
She expects me to take of her kids like a daycare would. Even though I am not getting paid to be one, nor am licensed to be one. I have told her that if she wants me to do something with the kids, she needs to let me know. Leave a nice note about what she wants done, or something. I have been called lazy. Have been left passive agressive, nasty notes, saying things to remember to do. Then would list everything she wanted done, in detail (things she knew I already do with them). I have been told that I haven't been parenting them enough because she is worried her kids will grow up to be stupid. Also have been blamed for things like a high electric bill(even though she leaves all the lights on in the house every morning). Leaving the TV on 24/7. Which I have never done. Its broke now, so I would imagine I'll get blamed for that. I have had dog crap shoved in my face when it shits on the floor in the mornings, after I had nicely asked her to clean up after it. Any house cleaning I have done is never good enough for her. I am always told its great that you try, but its not clean enough.
I have had plenty of arguments with her over her pet and kid care. Mostly as a result of me refusing to clean up dog crap in the morning when she is home to do it herself. One thing leads to another, and we end up fighting about the kids, and her attitude towards me over watching them. I have explained to her over and over again that I am not the parent of those kids. I don't get paid enough to be a daycare, nor a nanny. When I asked her to make up a scedual for me to follow, she says OMG I already did (the passive agressive note she left me). So really, I have just continued to do my own thing with them.
Now I have done plenty of babysitting for other people. Most have treated me accordingly, and had not expected me to be a parent to their kids. If they wanted something done with them, they always left a list saying here is what I want done today if you get bored. Here is what you can do with the kids during the day. ETC. Never anything like you must remember to do this stuff or else. And of course they never expected me to take over as sole care taker for their pets either. Those were always well cared for by their owners.
Probably would be a different story if I was running a daycare, or was a nanny.