May 22, 2006 11:03
A good part of my job at the junk yard is breaking glass. We break down glass and tumble it in giant tumblers, and then sell it for landscaping purposes. Not a bad racket really, considering we get the crap for free, then sell it for $4.00/lb or more. I was loading the big green glass hopper, which is a great green machine that moves glass into a large chamber with spinning metal blades and then spits it out as broken glass. Lots of fun, lots of loud. I was breaking ceramics, teapots, coffee mugs, and of course, little cherubs. Nothing is more satisfying than loading up the hopper with cherubs, angels, little ceramic dogs, Jesus figurines, small chubby children and quaint little cottages, then turning the damn thing on, and watching the cutest, sweetest, little statuettes get drawn up into the chamber, only to emerage in a shower of shards and dust. I am where Angels go to die.