URGENT gay marriage news

May 29, 2008 12:32


Dear Friends,

The California Supreme court decision on gay marriage is in jeopardy.

The right-wing crazies are hoping that in November the voters will amend the California Constitution, making the court's decision meaningless.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently promised a group of Log Cabin Republicans that he would NOT support a constitutional amendment.

Not surprisingly, his office is receiving large numbers of phone calls from the supporters of "Limits on Marriage" (the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage in California).

We don't want him to go back on his word.

He must hear from us.

The calling system is automated and you will not talk to anyone.

With each choice, you don't have to listen to everything the recorded voice says; just hit the buttons to interrupt, and the system will move you on to the next step.

To tell Gov. Schwarzenegger that you support of the Supreme Court's decision on LGBT marriage:

Call 1-916-445-2841:

press 1 [for English],

5 [for HOT issues],

1 [for Supreme Court Marriage decision],

1 [for "yes" to support (or 2 for "no")]

After you've done this, send it on to all supporters you know.

It couldn't be easier to vote... it doesn't matter whether you are in or out of state, or whether you are a citizen and registered to vote... please take 15 seconds right now to do it!



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