Nov 03, 2004 23:45
Ok ... The election is over, period. George W. Bush is our President like it or not for 4 more years, period! Hate him, dog him, make fun of him ... who cares it's your character flaw being exposed, but I am sick and tired of seeing "I'm ashamed to be an american" or "Americans are so ignorant".
Well you know what? Canada is a bus ticket away, Cuba is a raft ride away, and mexico is a donkey away. Take your pick you ungrateful bastards. I'll even help you tree huggin hippies pack. If you're ashamed to be an american, please ... rid yourself of this precious soil because you do not deserve to hold the label. I wonder how many Iraqis would like to be Americans? How about the mexicans that keep crossing over? Cubans risk their lives to travel here to become Americans. Too much blood and sacrifice has been given for those types of attitudes. So, you're ashamed to be an American? I'm ashamed you are too.
"when we wake up the next morning, we're all americans" - John F. Kerry
You listened and followed him this election ... so why are you not listening to him now?