Oct 25, 2006 15:37
Hellweek continues with another horror icon, the Shapeshifter!
Werewolves (and other were-beasties) are the most commonly known, with the Romanian Vârcolac, India's Rakshasas, the Japanese Kitsune and Korean Kumiho... and even yesterday's Blood Suckers "following the pack!"
Usually portrayed as dark and evil, revelling in their beastly nature, there are still a few that are simply considered "cursed" and fewer still that are "good" or "decent" Shapeshifters.
Most are humans that change into beasts or even plants, but there are a few that are truly beasts or plants that change into human form or a merging of forms.
Even a few are not "truly" Shapeshifters in that they alter only how they appear (visually), not their actuality (physical body).
Gods have been known to transform humans (or other Gods) into beastly shapes... does this then make them Shapeshifters?
Even many robots and otherworldly creatures can change their shapes to disguise themselves.
There've been a few writers who've delved into the Shapeshifter "mythos" including Poul Anderson, J.K. Rowling (the animagi and metamorphmagi), T.H. White, Whitley Streiber, Stephen King & Peter Straub, Terry Pratchett, and even Marvel Comics (and other comic companies) in several of their superheroes and villains - notably Man-Wolf!
Shapeshifters have become a large part of many countries' mythologies, legends, and fairy tales (changelings, faerun, "deer people," doppelgangers)!
Role-playing games such as Stellar Games' Nightlife and White Wolf's Werewolf:The Apocalypse have also delved into Shapeshifters' lives with interesting and imaginative results!
There've been TV shows such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dark Shadows, X-Files, and Kolchak:The Night Stalker that've featured Shapeshifters as well.
But, to me, cinema has shown us how powerful (or sometimes, admittingly, how stupid) these usually furry beasties can be!
So I ask of you, What are your favourite Shapeshifter movies?
Stock up on them silver bullets (again)... any kind of silver item, actually, though the distance of the bullet is nice, no?
And turn up Werewolves Of London... just 'cuz it's a fun song *smiles*.
-t. Wolfox sR Rhose
music (not metal),