This is your weekend update with t. Wolfox sR Rhose, including more on Vikings vs Twins b.s.

Sep 22, 2006 11:32

Holidays for the weekend! Today we present Business Women's Day, Write In Your Diary Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, and Native American Day.
For tomorrow we'll have Mabon/Fall Equinox and Checkers Day!
By Sunday we can expect Rabbit Day while Religious Freedom Week begins (24th-30th). And, of course, Minnesota faces Chicago!!

*sigh* And to you naysayers/assholes on how the Twins make more $ for downtown, here's a statement including facts based upon actual numbers, as I posted in response already to naysayers on ljtwincities:
I was talking about the Metrodome itself. Although I can assume based upon the same figures that the Vikings bring in more income. So here's a "recalculation," based upon actual numbers.

Here's the facts, based upon published revenues for the Metrodome:
Metrodome total revenue for 2004 was 13.1 million $.
Viking games produced 5.7 million $, roughly 44%.
Twins games produced 1.3 million $, roughly 10%.
(and for the hell of it, the Gophers produced 287,000$, roughly 2%.)
the remaining income comes from the other 200 of 300 events, namely motor sports, trade shows, college baseball and high school football games.

Metrodome management has also openly stated the Dome would end up closing within 4 years with a loss of the Vikings and it's related income, while losing the Twins would be "effectively easy to recover."

Disney is trying once again with themeride-to-cinema. After failing with Country Bears and Haunted Mansion (though I kinda liked Mansion), with the success of Pirates Of The Caribbean they're now developing Jungle Cruise.

-t. Wolfox sR Rhose

pagan, local, holidays, assholes, vikings, movies-cinema

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