The Price Of Vision...?

May 18, 2006 08:40

If someone had told me I'd be spending from 7 until 8:20 merely cleaning these fraggin' glasses so I could see out of my left eye, I'd have laughed my ass off and said I'll live with poor vision, it's less fucking work. Instead, despite cleaning for over an hour, there's still a fraggin' speck of something DIRECTLY where I see through on the right side distorting my vision enough where I'm already getting a headache. So I'm not done cleaning yet, Jae wants my attention but it's dizzy walking through distorted vision. FUCK!
*deep sigh* ANYways... if someone knows of a way to clean glasses and KEEP 'EM FUCKING CLEAN, they'd better tell me. I'm now going to have to start getting up early just to clean these things before anyone wakes up. And, yes, they were clean before I went to bed, some-fraggin'-how during the night they got smeared and covered with speckles of something or other while INSIDE their case. Just to be able to see should not take this much godfucking work! These fraggers were too expensive for me to just throw away 'cuz they're pissing me off. ANYways...
It's International Museum Day, No Dirty Dishes Day, and Visit Your Relatives Day. Enjoy them while you can.
Could Hoffa's remains be found in Michigan? There's possible evidential support!
Hope for a Vikings stadium tossed away in favor of a new Twins ballpark? You stupidass MFs! What have the Twins brought in for the Cities compared to the Vikings? *deep sigh* At least the Twins one hasn't been approved, either - just say "no" to all stadiums and get it the frag over with already!
No new Smallville tonight... when's the new season start again?
A 5 year old boy brings a gun to school tucked into his waistband... where were his parents again? Anyone?!?
Cruise loses his fight against the "Scientology" episode of South Park airing in the UK. Now, when's it showing in the US? Anyone?!?
Northwestern University may lose it's women's soccer team due to photos turning up of hazing. Apparantly those involved were Minnesotans. *shrugs* whatever.
Question: Since when is it a misdemeanor to be on drugs? You'd think the penalty would be more, since, obviously, you must have had the drugs in order to take them! Fraggin' US sometimes!
Thailand will be able to see DaVinci Code ... with the last ten minutes removed, leaving the "code" unsolved. In response to all the protests, director Howard advised, "Do not go and see the movie if you think you will be upset. This is supposed to be entertainment. It stimulates conversation, that is what good fiction does." Way to go Opie Cunningham!

-t. Wolfox sR Rhose

local, holidays, vikings, smallville, parenthood, tv, movies-cinema, drugs, glasses, issues-disagreement

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