May 17, 2006 09:57
Today is, simply, Pack Rat Day. Yay! In some ways, I'm a pack rat myself, with certain things I hold onto. Hell, I have boxes of notations, unfinished poetry, story ideas, etc.
Minneapolis has rated in the top five cities with the most courteous drivers. Gods, apparantly they were never on the road when we were. It's as if because they see Elle driving they have to speed up to get ahead of her or stay directly in her blind spot. Sometimes we try forever to get to the lane we need for the exit we need and *BAM* they slow and keep the same distance between each other and utterly refuse to let her in, signal or no. Courteous?!? Don't think so.
494's bridge over the Mississippi should (should?!?) finally be opening in October now that they've fixed the design that caused the hairline cracks in the concrete. Great original design choice! Maybe we should test these designs before building them?
Survivor's original winning contestant jailed ... for not paying taxes on his winnings. Way to go, loser!
-t. Wolfox sR Rhose