Yesterday started Nurse's Week (Always May 6-12) and today begins Wildflower Week. Today's oddities happen to be International Tuba Day and Unity In Diversity Day, and what's more diverse than a tuba? I don't know, but that's why I'm asking, see?
To throw things off a little, here's some queries via my friend,
tawneelynne1. what color you make me think of (though remember, I am colourblind)
2. a fun activity I would like to do with you
3. what fantasy creature I think you would be if you were one
4. the government position I would give you if I were President/Prime Minister/Secretary General/Supreme Ruler Of All Cosmos
5. the biggest favor you've done for me (forgive me if my judgment or memory is hazy)
6. how/when/where we met (see above)
7. what book or graphic novel I want to suggest to you
8. ask me something you've wondered about me/us, and I will answer to the best of my ability (including 1-7).
-t. Wolfox sR Rhose