i just got back from nantucket yesterday. i really needed to just get away from everything for a lil while. i met some local kids while i was there and it was so refreshing. i mean, it's funny how we all were so different, yet we were all the same. i wish i could move there for the summer and work and hang out with them. it would be DYNAMITE. if i bug my mom enough she may let me go back there later on in july.
in other news, JULIAN CASABLANCAS, the singer of the strokes, is getting married to some girl i guess, which is kind of annoying. before he was just SO HOT, now he's "SO HOT AND MARRIED." well he's not married yet, but soon, veddy veddy SOON. oh well, it's not like it REALLY changes anything anyways. i was just kind of tickered off a bit.
i have learned the basics of skateboarding. that doesn't mean i can actually do it, but i know how to now. not that it's all that hard to learn, it's just hard to execute it once you have learned ya know? i wish i could be REALLY good at it because there aren't that many girl skaters. lotsa boys, no girls. hmmmm....
i think im going to "roadtrip" it up to cleveland july 1 and visit jay. i havent seen him in ages and now just seems like the appropriate time. his brother is playing a pretty big show up there with reel big fish and rx bandits on july 2, and it would be CRAZY fun if i was able to go with him.
jules!! i got your text message while i was in nantucket. and i did go to tacos tacos one night while i was there. have you ever been to henry's sandwiches, because you gotta go!! it's like an orgasm for your mouth. yow!
me n hriso talked on the phone last night for three hours. it was so WILD that i looked like
afterwards. well maybe i'm exaggerating. but it was almost that long. i really needed that. we've been friends since the beginning of time and even though we've certainly changed over the years, we've stayed great friends. i think the only time we've ever gotten into a fight was in 7th grade when i told her how she reminded me of a dog. ahhahahaha. i don't fight with my friends anyways. what's the point? all that stuff is just so petty and doesn't get you anywhere.
i saw the day after tomorrow and JAKE GYLLENHAAL is such a looker. kirsten dunst is a lucky lucky girl, that's all i have to say. OH SHITE.
it's just a phase.
my clothes smell like cig smoke. it's disgusting.
I GOT CHARGED $50 DOLLARS FOR GOING OVER ON MY MINUTES THIS MONTH. between my dad and i, we have 5,000 minutes. so i have NO IDEA how this happened. fuckers.
oh and p.s.... you silly sally!!!!