Nov 10, 2009 20:36
One of my biggest pev peeves is 'don't shoot the messenger' in various different applications of the proverb. I just came back from one of those 'You can change your life right now!' type of lectures (to which I'm basically benevolently inclined - I just try to avoid them at all costs - I attended this one purely as a social favour), and the dude was mostly funny, etc etc, but the one thing that really bugged me, and still bugs me, is the 'don't shoot the messenger' thing.
I have a relatively high tolerance for politically incorrect humour, though with some exceptions, and this one is clearly one of them. It's not ok to ridicule people for doing their job. You may think their job is dumb, you may think it's unnecessary, you may be convinced it's BS through and through, the person doing the job may even be aware of it. But if they still have to perform the tasks, it's not ok to ridicule them for carrying out their job according to the rules.
He was making fun of security guards at the airports, and everyone was laughing, and my completely unamused thoughts were along the lines of 'you're the idiot who makes the lines to the security check go on forever because you talk back at the guys who are just doing their jobs'. Take it up with their bosses, or the airlines, or whoever makes the rules, but don't make out the people standing there doing their jobs to be brainless anal-retentive morons just because they're doing their job. Grrrrrr. Not ok. Not funny.