Sep 06, 2004 14:43
Marquette rocks. hw on the other hand sucks. it's the last day of a 3 day weekend, and instead of finishing my hw early, i have most of it to finish today. since ppl like hard facts so much, i'm going to hit you with some numbers. i am…
1. 1,800 miles from home
2. living on the 3rd floor
3. living with 1 roommate in a room for 3
4. 90 miles from Chicago
5. taking 17 credits this semester
6. feeling neglected by my friends after receiving only 5 calls from any of you.
7. completely broke. .93 cents is all the cash I have.
8. got 9 hours of sleep last night!
9. not a brewer’s fan. They lost 8-2 when I saw them play the Reds on Sunday
10. amazed by the number of movies I’ve seen since I’ve been here (7).
Now I should really study. feel free to call, and again, i haven't changed my cell number.
*props to Nate for always being there for me. i owe you soo much.