(no subject)

Apr 23, 2007 17:11

The people who fascinate me intensely are those who I want to be more like... I thought before that it was always an issue of wanting to be like the self-confident ones... those who are arrogant but for perhaps an understandable reason.  They exude a kind of charm to me.. which elicits this intense desire to be that kind of person.   However, I realized something today as to why some of these people interest me.  It is also in their passion... these people who are confident are confident usually in respect to certain realms of knowledge.. to their passions.  I'm drawn to these people who are held fascinated by some intellectual pursuit or some artistic endeavor.. that other things hold less importance.   Not that I'm saying I don't value those people who are primarily concerned with people.  That is what my personality surrounds.  I don't get involved in huge ideas and abstract notions as much as I would like because people come first.  Because if given a chance to strengthen relationships or increase my knowledge, I will always choose relationships.  But I dream of being passionate.  I have a mental list of so many topics that I want to know inside and out.  What bothers me most is that I had the chance to know them well.. and I feel as though I wasted it.

Based on courses just taken at college:
In psychology, I should be adept at:  the evolutionary perspective, social psychology, psychological research and statistics, animal learning, health psychology, alcohol and drug addiction, psychopathology and cognition.
In philosophy, I should understand:  17th and 18th century philosophy, the works of empiricism and specifically Kant, symbolic logic, contemporary philosophy as a general topic, contemporary philosophy focusing on free will and philosophy of the mind, phenomenology, existentialism, philosophy of art, american pragmatism, ancient philosophy, and the philosophy of feminism.

I should be able to use these for something but I remember very little.. and certainly not enough to ever bring it about in a discussion.  I want so badly just to read through all my notebooks again and get a basic understanding... so I feel like my college years academically were not a waste.

And there are so many useful things beyond my majors that I should know now that I still don't.  Such as:  Calculus, Economics, Art History, German, Literary Criticism, Fundamentals of Drawing, and Ethnoastronomy.. so much about cultures and ancient mythologies.  There are so many things I wish I retained from those courses and so many other courses I wish I could have taken.  I wish I still remembered biology and chemistry and physics and literature from high school.  Sigh.

So much lost.  I've gained a lot in the respect of self-knowledge and understanding and interactions with people.  I can perhaps speak a bit better in front of a class than I used to be able to.. and perhaps some writings skills have improved.. though obviously not much (i got better grades on papers freshman year than I do now)

Anyway.  End of rant.

The future is coming too fast.  I need more time here.  I haven't finished learning here.

P.S.  Oscar Wilde is amazing.
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